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Heels clicked on the cold marble floor, her reflection mirroring back at her. Ariadne was attending her break when someone informed her of a meeting requiring her presence. Even after fifteen years of working as an auror, she still found herself getting caught up with inconsistent schedules. While entering the familiar auror department, she pondered the reasons why she was called up. Outside her Head Auror's office, Ariadne's hands smoothed out her skirt, ridding it of any wrinkles. She knocked on the door sturdily before letting herself in.

Inside, Head Auror, Claude Barracus sat in his leather chair behind a large mahogany table filled with files and paperwork messily placed. Bookshelves and storage compartments stood against the wall. The office would have been homely, if not for the man that sat directly in front of Barracus.

"Ariadne! Please sit," Barracus beamed. Ariadne gave a strained smile before gently closing the door behind her. Barracus was an elderly man, his days of fighting were over, yet his wisdom was valuable. Ariadne was well aware of the wager her coworkers had placed, betting on how long it would take for him to retire. To her, Barracus was a mentor, a person who could guide her through her troubles. He had faith in her abilities even when the entire office seemed to think otherwise.

"Miss Nott," the man greeted calmly as she took a seat next to him.

"Mr Scamander."

Just the person she didn't want to see. They were known for their disputes and hostile opinions towards each other. There was a time when Ariadne thought Theseus was her friend, but those times passed with bitter feelings and irreversible actions. It was no secret that the two of them couldn't get along. Even their co-workers were cautious of putting them in the same room.

"Well, I have a mission assigned to the both of you," her eyes shot up as Barracus threw a file down. Ariadne grabbed it first while Theseus silently groaned. His hands stayed by his side, watching as she got a headstart on the information given.

"You want us to track down Grindelwald?" She questioned, letting shock overtake her. She had seen his name all over the daily prophet. His rise to power was unexpected and honestly terrifying. Grindelwald deemed that the wizarding world would be better exposed. He wanted to go against every rule that kept those with magic safe. And there were so many that believed in his cause, so many that believed that due to their blood, they were better than most.

"Yes," Barracus answered grimly. He too had seen the papers, he knew of the power Grindelwald contained. Ariadne hid her emotions behind a facade before handing the file to Theseus. His eyes were fixed on Ariadne's features. She was hiding something, he was sure of it. A gut feeling that made him believe that her secret could ruin a mission that hadn't even started.

"This mission was assigned to both of you by the International Confederation of Wizards," Barracus stood up and spoke to them both, his eyes moving between his aurors. "Grindelwald is a massive threat to wizardkind and we cannot let him roam free. I expect my two best aurors to bring him in. He attacked a close friend of the Minister of Magic last night, you should start there," he gave them a short smile before ushering them out of his office.

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