022 fight or flight

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"How'd it go?" Theseus asked as he sat directly in front of Ariadne's desk. Not even a second ago she sat behind a table with 4 men staring her down. Her papers in front of them as they questioned her. Their stoic faces forever grilled into her mind. Her interview had gone terrible. It would be a miracle if she got the position of Head Auror.

Horrible. They seemed to hate me.

"Fine," she concluded with little emotion in her voice as she stapled reports together. It seemed like the Heads of departments were done with her the second she walked in.

"Okay," he bantered, "Don't give me anything then."

She placed her hand on his, sensing his unease, "You'll do great," and as quickly as the moment came, she moved her hand. He cleared his throat to clear his shock.

"Don't forget our bet," he added, a newfound confidence bursting through him.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "How can I when you keep bringing it up?"

"I'll get that position," he smirked, repeating her words from last week. Theseus checked his watch, standing up hastily as he read the time, "I should probably go."

"Good luck," she replied sincerely and she watched him leave. Returning to her work, Theseus' spot was quickly replaced with Melinda.

"How'd it go?"

"Terrible," she let out a laugh, "I don't think I'm going to get it."

"You're a great auror. You have the same chance as everyone who got shortlisted," Melinda comforted, frowning slightly at her friend's bitter tone.

"No, I don't."

Something seemed to click and Melinda scrunched up her face in disgust, "Ugh, men and their tantrums." Ariadne glanced up, almost forgetting that there was another co-worker going through the bias and prejudice. She had spent so much time alone that she had forgotten there was vulnerability in friendships. Employed in an male dominant job hadn't been working in her favour either.

"Do you like your job?" Ariadne inquired, her words coming out slow.

"It's not that bad. It's respectable enough for what I have," Melinda shrugged, "Plus, all I have to do is make sure things are in order for Barracus and then sometimes for every other auror."

"Sounds terrible," Ariadne replied truthfully, a small empathetic smile on her face.

"Some of them are nice," she responded. Their eyes wandering around the office, peering at the other aurors, all doing their own respective work.

"And some of them aren't," Ariadne muttered, her eyes skimming over the ones that didn't like her and vice versa.

"Well, sometimes their filed reports go missing and they have to redo them," Melinda implied with a teasing tone, "Wonder who the culprit behind that is?"

"Oh my," Ariadne's eyes widened as she stared at the raven haired assistant.


Ariadne's house didn't feel like home just yet. She had quickly purchased a new apartment, concealing it with as many protection charms as she could. With a warmer style, Ariadne's new place was on the other side of London. Far away from anything she was familiar with. Unpacking felt like an inconvenience. She hadn't answered Grindelwald's question, what if he comes to find her? What if someone found out where she lived and she'd have to start all over again? So, here she sat in the Ministry, trying to ignore the pain in her back as she continued to work beyond her hours.

"Ariadne," a deep voice made her glance up from her work. Theseus had stopped a metre away from the office door, surprise evident in his features. "What are you still doing here?"

"Just finishing some reports," half true, "What brings you here?"

"I left my coat," he held his hand out as the grey coat flew towards him, "It's a little late don't you think?" Her eyes flew to the clock. 10:30pm. While Ariadne was trying to find an excuse, he sat down, snatching the file from her hold, "You know Barracus wants this due in 2 weeks? You have plenty of time."

"I-" she couldn't find the words to complete her sentence. What was she going to say? That she was forced to move away from all her comforts? That she was scared to go back home? That alone meant that her guilt would creep back in? She had already broken down once in front of him. "I might take a holiday," she didn't know where that came from. Too late now.

"Well, you should," he stated, "Least one of us gets rest," and before Ariadne could respond, the office door opened again, revealing a much shorter witch. Familiarity racked Ariadne's brain as she broke out into a smile.


"Nott. Scamander," she nodded, a small smile gracing her face. "Would you give this to Head Auror Barracus for me?" She handed Theseus an envelope, sealed with wax.

"Well, don't stay up too late," Ariadne added.

"I would advise the same for the both of you," she glanced at Theseus before shyly looking away. Her heels filled the silence as she exited the room.

"I think she likes you," bet Ariadne, letting her words loose as soon as the door closed. She allowed a smile to break out even though a pit in her stomach formed at her own words.

"I think you're being childish," he observed.

"Oh come on. You're not as boring as me. Let your love life flourish."

He shook his head, "I think you're far from boring, Ariadne."

'Don't blush. Don't blush.'

"Thank you," she replied with false sincerity, "I'm afraid you're the only one who thinks that," her tone was light, mocking those with distaste for her.

"Well, everyone else is just a little too plain," he mentioned.

"I would have to agree with you on that."

[963 words]


i've got a new goal now to try to push out at least 5 chapters a month. wanna bet on how long that'll last? :D (probably not long)


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