043 way things go

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Newt's case was like a fantasy world come true. The wooden steps creaked as Ariadne gazed up at the sky. A mix of blue and yellow painted the atmosphere. The grounds seemed to go on forever, each section a different terrain. Creatures around all the world inhabited Newt's case, most of them unfamiliar to Ariadne. An orange gleam illuminated her face as she wandered around the area, sticking close to the shed in hopes to not get lost.

"You might want to keep your bracelet in sight," Newt advised as he carried a bucket of food, "Teddy tends to steal shiny things."

"Oh," Ariadne awkwardly clasped her hand over the silver chain, not really knowing who Teddy was or what he was.

Newt paused for a moment, his eyes trained on her bracelet, "My brother gave you that, didn't he?"

"Yeah," she let out, surprised he knew. "Smart man, huh?"

He hummed in agreement, "You must mean a lot to him."

"I- Don't. Urm," she stammered, a hand on her head as she tried to formulate words, much to Newt's amusement. Just as he was about to walk away, Queenie's voice stopped him.

"Hey, Newt. Who is she?" Ariadne turned around as Queenie stood at the door of his shed, grateful for the interruption. She had no idea what to say to Newt's comment. Sure they were ... friends, but it was complicated.

Turning away, he quickly replied, "Ah, that's no one."

"Leta Lestrange? I've heard of that family," Queenie divulged, reading his mind as he froze. Ariadne's head perked up at the mention of her friend but stayed silent as Queenie continued, "Aren't they kinda... you know?"

"Please don't read my mind," Newt requested and Queenie looked down, a little ashamed. Her heels clicked as she slowly stepped down, silence encompassed the trio while Ariadne awkwardly played with her bracelet. As a moment passed, Newt halted again, "Sorry, I asked you not to."

"Queenie," Ariadne warned, noticing how uncomfortable he looked.

"I know. I'm sorry, I can't help it. People are easiest to read when they're hurting."

"I'm not hurting," he deflected with a smile, eyes darting behind Ariadne, "Anyways, it was a long time ago."

"That was a real close friendship you had at school."

"Yes, well neither of us really fitted in at school so we-"

"Became real close. For years. She was a taker. You need a giver." Queenie finished firmly. Ariadne almost visibly cringed at the forwardness her friend had taken. Newt seemed lost in his own world as he absorbed Queenie's words.

"What are you guys talking about?" Tina questioned, standing beside Ariadne as she approached the group. Her brunette eyes glanced around questioningly, concerned at Newt's stiff posture.

"Ah nothing."

"School," Queenie offered.

"School," Newt repeated.

"Did you say school?" Jacob wondered, walking towards the group, his eyes wide with fascination, "Is there a school? A wizardry school here? In America?"

"Of course. Ilvermorny," Queenie beamed, "It's only the best wizard school in the whole world!"

"I think you'll find the best wizarding school in the world is Hogwarts," Newt argued, sharing a small smile with Ariadne.

"Hogwash," Queenie retorted, arms crossed over her chest. Just as Ariadne opened her mouth, thunder rumbled and clouds began to darken. The Thunderbird squawked, flapping its wings vigorously as it rose. The humour in the conversation evaporated as Newt glanced up at the creature, concerned.

"Danger. He senses danger."

"Jeez... is that the Obscuria-thing?" Jacob questioned, watching as chaos unfolded below them. Tina climbed up on top of the roof's ledge as Newt observed the scene. Sirens sounded as the group stood on the rooftop. Destruction raining down as the Obscurus flew into the city of New York.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of," Newt began. Glass shattered as the Obscurus crashed into buildings. Before anyone could react, Newt handed his case to Tina. A journal from his pocket offered out to her, "If I don't come back, look after my creatures. Everything that you need to know is in there."


"They're not killing it," he dictated firmly. Ariadne watched as their eyes met, a moment full of what they could have said. Without another thought, Newt dived off the side of the building, disapparating away from the burden of observing.

"Newt!" Tina screamed after him. With panic seeping in, Tina dropped the case and journal into Queenie's hands, "You heard him. Look after them."

"Tina!" Impulsively thinking, Ariadne grabbed Tina the second before she apparated away. They landed roughly in the surrounding streets of Time Square. Rubble coated the floor as dangerous flames flickered in different areas. Screams could be heard as everyone rushed away, running in the opposite direction both Tina and Ariadne were headed. The sight of the Obscurus sent Tina and Ariadne hurrying behind a vehicle, hoping to find cover from the creature.

"Newt!" Tina yelled, glancing at the soft brunette behind a fallen car.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial," Newt disclosed.

Tina shook her head, "He's not a child."

"His power must be so strong," he inferred, "He's somehow managed to survive." The Obscurus screeched, a hint of pain and anger in his cry.

Determination flooded Tina, "Newt, save him." Without wasting a second, Tina ran towards Graves, grabbing his attention as Newt apparated away. Ariadne watched as Tina shot a spell at Graves who instinctively blocked it. The Obscurus whirled away and Ariadne moved discreetly closer to Graves, hiding her body behind the pieces of scrap. Spells flew towards Graves and with his back turned against Ariadne, she disarmed him, his wand landed in front of her feet.

"Tina. Ariadne," Graves sighed, irritably, "You're both always turning up where you are least wanted." With his hand outstretched, he sent two cars soaring towards Tina and Ariadne. Distracting the both of them as the two women dodged out of the way. He summoned his wand and disapparated away, leaving the two brunettes stunned by his power as the sound of abolishment wrecked the city.

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finally getting into the peak of the movie.


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