058 to say forevermore

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The door to Theseus' apartment seemed bigger. It was looming over her, taunting her as her hand hovered over the door. Ariadne didn't know why she felt so small, she didn't know why butterflies fluttered in the most annoying pattern, rising from her feet to her head. It was just Theseus on the other side. Just Theseus.

He had offered to walk home with her, but she needed to finish her report, and most importantly, she didn't want to fuel other people's gossip. Not when Travers and Wilton were discussing their case a few meters away. Not when Wilton was throwing suspicious glances between the two of them.

Gathering her courage, she knocked three times. Surprised when Theseus almost immediately opened the door. For a moment, she just stared up at him. Every anxious thought rolled off the tip of her tongue as well as every word she planned to say. Nothing mattered anymore. All she wanted was him. Theseus swept the air with his hands, silently inviting her in, ignoring the fact that they had both been observing each other. She had looked tired in the morning, more alive now. Ironic considering that she had been through so much today that it should have drained her. Nevertheless, she stood inside his apartment, her doubts left behind as she held her guts.

He led her to his couch. The last time she was here, she was having a panic attack. Forgive her if things seemed a little different now. Her memory was a little foggy, blurred by anxiety and agitation. The couch was new, the old one was blue, the new one grey. He had added to his collection of books, some stacked in a cardboard box instead of being displayed. Still, the small minotaur figurine she had gotten in their youth stood proud and tall beside his favourite novels. Beside his bookcase, a wooden table held up framed photos. Ariadne caught sight of Newt's book release party.

"Tea?" He asked politely. It was a peace offering. She had offered him tea on the day she kissed him. He had offered her tea on the day she first entered his apartment. Ariadne nodded, an infectious smile lifting her lips. A white teapot floated high above, serving tea into two small cups. Eagerly, the teacup sped towards her, almost spilling its contents in the process. Amused, Ariadne gratefully took the cup, two hands holding the delicate glassware.

"Do you remember when you invited me for lunch? Right after Travers told us our assignment had been terminated?" He nodded softly. How could he forget? Every moment he spent with her would always be engraved in his mind. "I think I started falling for you then." Again, she wanted to add but admitting that out loud would remind her of the fact that her grudge had wasted precious time that they both didn't have. If only she had pushed away her anger earlier.

He had a soft smile on his face, one only reserved for her. "You had me hooked the day you walked in late for History of Magic."

Ariadne chuckled, placing her tea down on the coffee table, "I can't believe I got Lacewood's question wrong." In their minds, they explored a distant Hogwarts classroom. Younger versions of themselves sat besides each other. Unknown to them, their relationship would hit a few rocky waves and a large tsunami.

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