049 bottled up emotions

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"You know I've never seen him so carefree."

Ariadne shook her head at Newt's words, "I think you need to see your brother more." He stood at the door of Ariadne's apartment. Leta had just left and Ariadne was bidding Newt goodbye. The night breeze in the empty hallway made Newt shrug on his coat. The light from Ariadne's humble foyer illuminated gently while Newt gave her a smile.

"Goodbye Ariadne."

"Find me later," the door softly shut as he apparated away. Still, she had one more to get rid of before her peace and quiet. Yet why did she dread the minute that he left? Leaning against the doorframe, she stared at Theseus. "What are you doing?"

"I thought I would help you clean up," he had empty plates in his hand. She tilted her head to the side, a curious expression graced her features, "Right. Did you know that some people find the muggle way of cleaning therapeutic?" She glanced at the plates which floated towards her sink, bubbles formed as the dishes cleaned themselves.

"And do you?" He shrugged, nervousness suddenly breaking down his confident exterior. She noticed it too, something had changed. Realistically, she was dreaming. Nothing had changed, not the way she looked at him or the way her heart fluttered. "Guess I'll try it out one day. But right now, I feel like a drink," she opened a cupboard, finding a bottle of firewhiskey, "Care to join me?"

"Yes please." His eagerness made her chuckle, They both needed a body of courage, for the same reason unbeknownst to the other. Ariadne slid the bottle across the table, the sound of glass skating across wood. Theseus raised an eyebrow at the bottle and she shrugged. He stared at her as he took a swig, wincing at the burn that tickled his throat. He slid the bottle back and she picked it up, chugging a mouthful. The fierce aftermath of her actions made her hum. "You're going to get poisoned if you keep that up."

Ariadne rolled her eyes, "I haven't drank since..." she glanced up at his face before looking away, "Since the night you got the job," her words soften slightly, the feeling of disappointment flashing through her eyes. Shaking her head, she smiled, removing any trace of dismay, "You know I actually don't remember much of that night."

"Didn't know you were a lightweight," he joked, a small smile forming on his face.

Ariadne scoffed, "You don't know how much I had with Leta." She narrowed her eyes playfully at him before returning to her original thought, "I don't even remember how I got home."

"I took you home."

"Oh," that was surprising. She had thought Leta or maybe Melinda would have helped her home. She had never expected it to be... "Thank you."

He cleared his throat, the silence was overwhelming, "I see you've decorated the place since I last saw it," he gestured around the room. The dining room connected with the living room, no wall separating the wooden table with the couch. There were four chairs around the table, all for show since Ariadne almost never had guests over. Behind it a glass cabinet, holding all her dishes and cutlery. On the other side of the room, a large bookcase loomed over the couch.

"I had trouble deciding what colour to paint my walls," that was a lie and he knew it. But, he didn't comment on it and Ariadne wouldn't have told him the truth.

As the night grew older, Ariadne and Theseus found themselves on her small balcony. She sat against the rail while Theseus occupied a chair. The wind blew softly, causing Ariadne to shiver. She ignored the goosebumps that dotted her skin as she took another swig, staring up at the stars shining above. They were half way through their bottle which lazily leaned in Ariadne's grip.

She had never looked so pretty, Theseus thought to himself. The moon was their only source of light as the darkness hid the secrets that they were too afraid to reveal. Ariadne was giggling as she drunkenly rambled about wanting to get a cat.

"You're not allergic to fur are you?" Ariadne's words brought Theseus out of his daze as he looked away from Ariadne.

He shook his head, "No, I'm not."

"Then what about you? Ever think about not being lonely in your apartment?" Her bluntness amused Theseus as he raised a brow.

"I think I've had enough fun with creatures."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She tilted her head to the side, watching him with peering eyes.

"My mother bred Hippogriffs for a hobby," Theseus revealed and Ariadne noticed the inner turmoil that was going through his head. Ariadne's family life was terrible and traumatic, Theseus' family life seemed to be as complicated as the creases on his forehead suggested.

"Is that where Newt gets his love for creatures?" She wondered aloud, "Huh, interesting." She offered the bottle back to Theseus, the expression on his face implying that he needed it. He gladly took it, no longer wincing at the burn. Ariadne turned back to the stars. Eventually, tomorrow's responsibilities caught up with them and Theseus went to stand.

"Well, I had fun," he started, stretching his legs as he stood.

"You should come over more often," she chucked him a grin, slowly slithering away from the rail as she led him to the door.

"I'll take that up with you."

Bidding him goodbye, she snaked her arm around his neck and brought him closer. He immediately reciprocated the embrace and Ariadne buried her head in the crook of his neck. He smelt like home and whiskey and she could feel him exhale comfortably in the hug. She kissed his cheek before stepping away, watching as his cheeks were coated with warmth.

As he apparated home, Ariadne sighed with content. On the other side of the city, Theseus slumped down on his couch, dozing off before he could reach his bed. In the morning, they would both remember very little of the night before. He would question the pounding headache and why his bed was still neatly made while she would wonder why her balcony door was left open and gasp at the amount of firewhiskey she drank last night. The only thing that would come out of their hangover haze was the lingering touches of each other.

[1071 words] 


they shared a bottle, that's basically like a kiss huh? anyways i need to delve deeper into both theseus and ariadne's childhood, its been a while since we've had a flashback to their teens years huh?

oh i think i'm going to go back to act 1 and try to fix up plot holes that i forgot about due to poor planning. might change a few things and add a few more things. 


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