059 the purposed danger

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Early mornings and auror meetings did not mix well, especially after Ariadne had spent the night with Theseus. Thank Merlin he had gently woken her up. If not she was certain she would have accidentally slapped him across the face, which was not on her bucket list as she started her relationship with Theseus. Speaking of the man, he currently sat at the top of the table. Travers stood behind him, discussing something important. They were currently going through new assignments and plans. Grindelwald's acolytes seemed to be growing stronger each day with reports of stealing, murder and arson. Ariadne couldn't lie; locking up the main man in charge hadn't done anything to harm his cause. He would be even more powerful now if he escaped.

"Where is that assistant of yours?" Travers questioned, exasperation filling voice. With the acolytes inducing chaos, the Ministry had burdened him with more responsibilities. Nonetheless, Ariadne shot him a glare. His acidic demeanour was becoming even more unbearable. On a lighter note, Leta Lestrange sat in the corner of the room. She remained stoic, her posture straight, yet it was comforting to see a familiar face. She had sent Ariadne a sweet smile as they first locked eyes. It had been some time since the two had seen each other.

"I'm sure she's just running late," Theseus defended, not missing the way Ariadne sent daggers towards Travers. He forced himself to look away, he would not be caught today. Through the quiet corridor, loud footsteps disrupted the peace.

"Theseus-" Melinda barged into the room, her movements freezing as she caught sight of Travers. "Mr Scamander," she corrected, "You have to see this." However, her eyes landed on Ariadne. Panic warped her features and she looked shakened. Standing to comfort her friend, Melinda revealed the morning paper in her hand. Selwyn's spotlight long forgotten as more pressing matters made front page.

Ariadne's fingers softly grabbed the corner of the Daily Prophet. Pounding in her head blocked out the footsteps approaching. Slowly, she glanced at Melinda, the same amount of unease hidden in her eyes. The brunette witch flinched as a hand brought her out of her trance. Bailey stared down at her, his dark eyes darting between the two women with concern. However, Ariadne's eyes found Theseus'

"He escaped," Ariadne breathed, letting everyone around her know. Theseus shot up, Travers following. The paper was passed from Melinda to Ariadne, to Bailey then given to Theseus. His eyes skimmed the page, an expression of restlessness painting his face.

"This meeting is over," Travers ordered as soon as his eyes landed on the paper. Without wasting a moment, he stormed out of the room as Leta was left to follow. Everyone else was left stunned, tension coating the room. They were aurors, responsible to uphold peace and trained to investigate the misconduct of wrongdoers. Grindelwald's escape meant that they were all back to square one. It meant that Grindelwald would not stand for his trial against his crimes in Europe. It meant that Newt and Ariadne's victory was short-lived.

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