062 an impromptu event

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"Done." Reuben uttered, placing his finished reports on her desk. He wore a proud smile and a buttoned up shirt.

"That was fast," Ariadne commented, eyes flying up to the clock. Her own paperwork was piled in front of her as she went through them. Not only did she have to recount her past missions out in the field, she also had to report Reuben's progression. The younger soon-to-be auror was on his way to become one of the greatest aurors, at least, that's what Ariadne planned for.

Reuben crossed his arms around his chest, a humorous smile making its way across his face, "I don't have twenty reports to fill out that I put off."

"Unnecessary," she tutted, jest in her voice as she quickly flicked through his report. "Would you give these to Theseus." She plonked a stack of papers in his hands, Reuben's report included alongside some of her finished works, "And if you can't find him, Melinda is your girl."

He held the papers hesitantly. "You're not going to look over it?"

"I'm sure it's fine," Ariadne answered, returning to her own work. However, he stayed firmly in place. The older witch glanced up at him, sighing, "How many reports have you written before?"


"Well, now you have one," she gave him a warm smile. It was almost ironic, he would daringly go into battle, however the thought of disappointing his superior got to him. Even at school, written reports in potions was his downfall. He thought it was absurd that Ariadne didn't even read through it before sending it to his Head Auror. Ariadne rolled her eyes at his questioning stare. "If he says it's bad. Blame me. Now go."

She chuckled to herself as she watched him leave, wondering if she was like this as an auror to-be. Young and foolish, seeking approval from higher up, afraid to disappoint. Outside Theseus' office, Reuben gave his paperworks to Melinda, the Head Auror's office vacant for now.

It wasn't long until Theseus walked through the auror office, back from a meeting with the higher ups. He caught her eye as he walked past her desk and tugged on his ear, a secret signal shared between the couple. He nodded at Melinda, sharing a few words before she left her desk, likely running an errand for him. As he entered his office, the blinds closed, blocking curious eyes from prying.

Finishing the end of her sentence, Ariadne gathered her report to not raise suspicion. It's not like anyone was looking anyways. The office was half empty, Wilton had taken a few aurors to investigate a potential lead on the whereabouts of Ariadne's father. Others were out surveilling. Knocking three times, Ariadne let herself in Theseus' office.

"Hi," she whispered, against his lips, his hands resting on her back as he brought her closer.

"Hey," he smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips, "I missed you."

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