039 the confederation

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Candles hanging from the dark wooden bookcase flickered as Ariadne read with the light from her wand. There was only a limited amount of knowledge she could have soaked up from the limited amount of books about Obscurials. They weren't commonly studied, especially with the rarity of the parasite. Also with the fact that the child possessed by the Obscurus almost never made it past their tenth birthday made it difficult for information to be passed.

Engrossed with the markings of an Obscurial, a hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

"Follow me," Graves solemnly informed. She snapped the book shut before Graves could see what page she was on, hoping that he assumed she was just shocked by his presence. His footsteps were heavy as they made their way to the highest floor. Golden engravings on the wall depicted victorious scenes from history as well as portraits of former Presidents.

"What's going on?" Ariadne finally asked, her voice low as they made their way inside the Pentagram office. She could recognise a few faces, crowded around the room. Minister Hector Podmore nodded towards her as she caught his eye. Though Ariadne had never personally talked to him, she had seen him at ministry parties including the one Barracus held.

"Something or someone killed Senator Shaw and the Confederation finally decided to call a meeting," Graves answered, leading her to the front of the office.

"Who is Senator Shaw?"

"A No-maj politician," he answered. They walked over a large star engraved into the floor as everyone settled in. Madam Picquery stood in front of a golden throne, the etching of a bald eagle carved into it.

Soon the room darkened and chatter was silenced.

"Let's see it," a voice called out somewhere from the other side of the crowd. Madam Picquery sighed, though with a wave of her hand a hologram of Senator Shaw illuminated the room. Gasps could be heard as Ariadne's eyes widened. She had seen the markings on his face in the book she was reading. That would mean...

"No human could have done that," another voice let out.

"Yes, this was done by a beast."

"We also believe that this creature is the same one that wrecked havoc a few days ago," Madam Picquery reported, glancing towards Graves who nodded. "May we agree that Grindelwald has no influence on these attacks?"

The Swiss delegate, Heinrich Eberstadt stood up, his voice bellowing over the crowd, "He may not have been behind these attacks but our American friends have permitted a breach of the Statute of Secrecy that threatens to expose us all."

"I will not be lectured by the man who let Gellert Grindelwald slip through his fingers," Madam Picquery didn't even bother to glance at him as she countered his words. Graves' head lowered at the mention of the wizard until a higher pitched voice entered the room.

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