047 the book about beasts

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Rushing through the spring season, the main path was covered in frozen ice. The cold weather had been dispersing but still it lingered. Ariadne had her neck tucked into a warm scarf, her hands almost frozen as she shoved them into her pockets. The sky was darkening as the grey clouds covered the sunset. Next to a large river, a huge building was towering over it, the sign reading: Hog's Head Inn.

With the front door unlocked, she stepped inside, shielding herself from the cold weather as the warmth of the room consumed her. In an old run down bar, there sat the man who she was looking for, sitting next to...

"Newt?" she blurted out, surprised that he would be here. She wasn't expecting anyone else other than Albus Dumbledore and his older brother. The soft brunette wizard clearly wasn't expecting her either as his eyebrows rose.

"Ariadne, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," she smiled, glad to see her friend again before turning to Dumbledore, "I bring news."

Dumbledore stood up, clasping his hands together, "Well, I hate to cut our time here short, Newt, but duty calls."

"Of course," he picked up his case from the bar. "Ariadne," Newt nodded towards her as he passed.


"I'll eh, see you tomorrow?" he asked, hand hesitating on the door as he turned around.

"Of course," she shared a smile with him, watching as he left. The door creaked as it closed, leaving the pair in the silence of the unnaturally quiet bar.


"Rumour has it that Credence was spotted," Ariadne started, arms crossed around her chest, "Which means he's alive." She watched as Dumbledore stroked his beard, something he did often when he was deep in thought. "We can't let Grindelwald get to him first. He only wants his power. He's just a boy."

"I'll handle this," Dumbledore finally said, "Where was he last spotted?"

"New York."

Running through the streets of Diagon Alley, she was late. Witches and wizards around her gave her weird looks as she hastily moved through the crowd. Finally at her destination and out of breath and panting, Ariadne fixed up her appearance quickly, smoothing out her skirt and running her fingers through her hair. She watched as a child and her mother came out of the bookstore, a newly published book in her hands made Ariadne smile.

A small bell rang as Ariadne opened the door but fell deaf as the noise of the crowd consumed it. She watched by the sidelines as Newt sat at a red clothed table, signing people's books as they lined up in front of him. The store had made room for a small party that was arranged for the release of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.' There were plates of refreshments served, floating to different guests. Light chatter filled the room as Ariadne made her way to the line of people that had been getting shorter and shorter.

"Well, I hope you don't only give away books to tall brunette witches, who are currently residing in America," Newt glanced up happily at Ariadne, the last person in his line. A smile morphed his face as he shook his head.

"You know I couldn't do that to you," from below the table, he pulled out a copy of his book. Unlike the others, this version of the book shimmered with gold. The illustrations of different creatures changed as the book was tilted from side to side. Ariadne smiled as her fingers traced the spine, opening up to the first page, Newt's handwriting graced the paper.

To a dear friend of mine, a guide so you won't mispronounce a creature's name.

"That was one time," she retorted, rolling her eyes mocking annoyance although she couldn't help it as a smile broke out. They both laughed at the memory, ignoring the peering eyes that turned their way. "You are amazing, Newt," she complimented, a grin on her face as his cheeks were tinted with pink.

Before the conversation could steer elsewhere, Theseus approached the pair, Leta by his side. Ariadne's heart clenched at the sight of the two together, but nonetheless placed a smile on her face.

"Newt. Ariadne," Theseus let out. Ariadne hadn't heard his voice in a while and almost lost her composure. The air between the group was tense. Ariadne knew that Theseus didn't have a good relationship with his brother and she also knew that Newt and Leta's relationship was complicated, just as her own relationship with Theseus was left at.

"Theseus," Ariadne let out, hoping to soothe the awkwardness, "Leta."

"I didn't know you both knew each other," Leta mentioned and was that... a hint of jealousy? Ariadne opened her mouth but nothing came out as she glanced at Newt.

"We, eh, were in New York at the same time," he stammered, his eyes darting around to anywhere but their eyes.

"Right," Ariadne finished. Merlin, why was Newt's awkwardness rubbing off onto me?

"I heard you both helped the MACUSA capture Grindelwald," Theseus disclosed, eyebrows raised.

"Well, that is a long story to be told, preferably over a warm meal," Ariadne deflected, trying to ignore his piercing gaze. She turned to Newt, noticing how he too was desperate to leave the conversation. Their saving grace came from a photographer who wanted a picture of Newt and his 'friends.'

Ariadne stood between Bunty, Newt's assistant and Newt, hoping to get as far away from the awkward tension that Leta and Theseus brought. She smiled as the flash almost blinded her, knowing that in a week's time, she would see this picture in an article rambling about the most ridiculous story. In a week's time, she would see the way Leta touched Newt's arm. In a week's time, she would see the way Theseus' eyes travelled back to her.

But for now, she gave Bunty a smile, fondness for the woman who was just as awkward as Newt although her knowledge on animals almost surpassed the man himself. For now, she would focus on celebrating the book, pushing away the tension between herself and Theseus. For now, it was Newt's achievement that made her smile. 

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lmao it feels like everytime i start a new act, theseus and ariadne lose all their progress that they made with each and are still in the awkward phase of their relationship. whoopies guys. no promises for the next one.

also also, i redid the intro page of the book, now most of the important oc's all have faceclaims. check out the 'long story short' page if you wanna know the faceclaims for melinda and bailey, including some others too like Ariadne's parents. 


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