021 warmth & snow

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A few days later, Ariadne found herself standing in Barracus' office, along with Theseus and another man. He had dark brunette hair that was starting to turn grey. His mouth looked like it was forever pressed into a frown as he wore an expensive suit. Torquil Travers was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Whatever he had to say wasn't going to please Ariadne.

"You've been taken off the case," Travers started. Both Ariadne and Theseus opened their mouths to protest but Travers held up a hand, effectively silencing the pair. "The Minister has determined that Grindelwald is not a threat and does not want his British Aurors wasted on the Confederation's case."

"Not a threat? He killed half of the team we sent out," Ariadne argued.

"Take it up with the Minister of Magic," he commented, distaste already in his voice. "I am also here to tell you that the two of you have been shortlisted for the position of Head Auror. Interviews begin next week," and with that he nodded to Barracus, who was strangely silent throughout the conversation. The door closed on his way out.

"This is wrong," Theseus began as soon as Travers stepped outside.

"I agree but there's nothing we can do," Barracus sighed, running his hand through his blonde hair.

"Then we tried so hard for nothing," she muttered, disappointment written all over her face.

"Nothing?" Theseus' head whipped over to her, "Ariadne, we captured so many of his followers. Just because we didn't get Grindelwald himself, does not mean we failed," his voice was soft and thoughtful. She stared up at him, her eyes boring into his. They were both surprised by his outburst of passion. Carefully, she nodded.

"I think we should look at the light of things," Barracus revealed, breaking the silence, "It's nearly Christmas and you both look like you could use some rest. There's a party next Friday, I want you both to be there."

"Okay," Ariadne nodded.

"Get some rest," he bid them goodbye as they exited his office.

"So, lunch?" Ariadne turned to Theseus, trying to mask her shock. There had been little actions throughout the week. He was rekindling their friendship, almost surprising her with his eagerness. As she composed herself, her eyes caught Melinda who was quietly packing up.

"Only if I can bring a friend."

"Only if I can do the same," he shot back playfully.

"Then, lunch it is."

Lunch with Theseus, Melinda and Bailey was actually quite pleasant. Their conversations were filled with warmth, reminiscing of younger days and laughter. It was a welcoming distraction from the mess that occurred a few days ago. They had chosen a small pub that was half empty. Quiet music played in the background and the group currently sat in a booth. The small building kept them toasty as it snowed outside. They had all almost finished their food as Bailey was retelling a story from his youth.

"I'm pretty sure you fell in," he implied, looking at Theseus who sat next to him. He was leaning his arm on the top of Bailey's chair and did he always look this good?

"I don't think I did," he replied, smoothly. A smile on his face that made his lie unbelievable.

"You fell in the Great Lake?" Melinda inquired. Bailey laughed and Theseus shook his head, a tint of embarrassment on his cheeks.

"Hang on, let's rephrase that. I got pushed in."

"Pushed, you're joking," Bailey argued.

Ariadne furrowed her brows, "Didn't you walk into Herbology drenched? And Professor Flake had to dry you off?" Bailey's laugh was almost contagious as Ariadne broke out into a small smirk. Theseus hid his abashment as he sipped his drink.

"Good old days, huh?" Bailey chuckled, nudging Theseus who shook his head playfully. The group fell into a comfortable silence, nothing more to add to the conversation.

"I think we should get going," Melinda started, checking her watch, "Barracus needs me to finish a few things."

"I'm sure Barracus won't mind," Bailey responded, waving off Melinda's concerns, "Plus, you're going to be working under one of them very soon."

"Wonder who that would be," Melinda smiled, looking between the two.

"I think I would die if I had to work under you," Ariadne joked, trying to hide her teasing smile when Theseus raised his eyebrow.

"Is that so?"

"I'll get that position," she asserted cockily.

"Want to bet on it," he leaned forward, close enough for Ariadne to lose all her senses.

"Oh, now this is interesting," Bailey mused.

"If I win, you're going to kiss my ass and finish up all my paperwork for a month," she began, arrogance oozing out of her tone.

"If I win, I'm taking you out on the worst date that you've ever been on," Theseus teased. His proposition shocked Ariadne but she would not let him see it.

"Deal," she stuck her hand out, suppressing a huge smile that threatened to come out.


[833 words]


b99 references? cuteee. 


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