053 if only she were smarter

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On the other side of the ballroom, Ariadne followed Edwin Flint. He led her upstairs as she squeezed her way through the crowd. Merlin, did she want to slap him when she caught up to him, so why was she even following him? Part of her would always resent him for becoming who he was. Part of her couldn't help but empathise with who he was. Her legs seemed to do most of the work as her brain tried to unjumbled the mess she had dragged herself in. Surrounded by an empty corridor, he finally turned to her.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned firmly. Ironic since he was the one who fitted within the crowd. It should have been him that asked her that question. Nonetheless, her arms were crossed and she held her head up high.

"You need to leave," he uttered, desperation covered up by firmness in his voice.

"Or I could arrest you. You're still a wanted man," she shot back, not liking the way he wanted to order her around without giving her a reason.

"You wouldn't make it out the door with me in cuffs," he laughed exasperatedly, hand sliding up his face, "Not with the people here." She knew he was right. Anyone here would give any reason to point their wand at her. She didn't need to give them one. He took a step forward, "You need to leave."


"He's here, Ariadne. At this party," and the upperhand in the conversation was stolen from her as he spoke. Ariadne's lips were pressed into a frown. "Do you know how lucky you have been? Since investigating Grindelwald, he has never been in the same country as you. You have always been a continent away from each other."

"I wouldn't call that luck," she retorted.

"Leave Ariadne," Edwin warned, "Don't let him see you."

"And why's that?"

"I think you and I both know."

"You are so confusing," she finally let out, "One day you're telling me that I should join Grindelwald, the other you're trying to protect me from my own father." Edwin stared calmly at her through her outburst which only frustrated her more. "Leave them," she was practically begging him. It wasn't fair that he accepted this role. It wasn't fair that everything around him had pushed him here.

"I am this close to restoring glory to my family name," he snapped, finally breaking, "My name will be respected after all I've done."

"There are other ways to gain respect," she argued. He wanted to earn respect by making everyone else fear his power; that wasn't respect. "You're on the wrong side of history."

"And look at where you are," he ridiculed.

"I'm doing pretty good thank you," she mocked, "I don't take orders from an overbearing wizard."

"He's actually a pretty good leader," Edwin shot back and Ariadne took note of the present tense. Grindelwald was supposed to be isolated, locked up for good. He wasn't supposed to be pulling the strings behind bars. "He's understanding. He shows compassion. He isn't sexist. Not like the people you follow."

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