071 set up to fail

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One step into the large amphitheatre made Ariadne's skin crawl. Hundreds of witches and wizards filled the large space, some already standing in front of stone benches. Ariadne turned her face as two witches passed, hiding her face from a pair she recognised from her youth. She had never been to a rally, only experiencing the aftermath on the other side. Here, one wrong step and the result of her past actions would kill her. She could feel the energy that bounced off the crowd. Some were agitated but curious, others were eager to await the main event.

"It's a trap," Tina concluded, her voice low as she stood between Newt and Ariadne.

"Yeah," Newt nodded, "Queenie, the family tree. It's all been bait."

"We have to find a way out of here, right now." At his words, Grindelwald's acolytes stepped closer to all the exits, guarding the doorway from any unwanted guests escaping. All three were feeling the tension. It wouldn't take a genius to recognise the trio. On top of that, both Tina and Ariadne had met with over half the crowd in different circumstances. Wherever Ariadne set her eyes too, she could feel glares piercing through the back of her head. She had imprisoned half of their friends, had co-workers who killed over a dozen of his followers and she had worked to bring down their efforts. Their anger now overpowered her security.

"You guys go find the others," Newt requested, holding his case tightly in his hand.

"What are you gonna do?" Tina asked, concern dripping from her voice as the two women watched him step aside.

"I'll think of something," he said before leaving.

"I think Jacob went this way," Ariadne revealed while Tina stared into the back of Newt's head, hesitant to let him leave alone. As they moved down the stairs, one of Grindelwald's acolytes barred their path, his stern gaze fixed on the two aurors. Turning around, another stepped out, blocking their escape. Caged between two, Ariadne obediently joined the crowd, standing in front of a stone bench as Tina followed, knowing that they were vastly outnumbered.

An applause rang through the crowd and Ariadne turned to the stage, eyes widening to find Grindelwald striding onto a plinth in the middle of the amphitheatre. From the same entrance, Silas Nott followed after his master. Instead of joining him in the spotlight, he slithered off into the shadows, standing loyally awaiting further instructions.

Bathing within the cheers, Grindelwald gestured for the crowd to settle. Helplessly, Ariadne scanned the sea of people, eyes avoiding her father's at all cost. She clocked Newt standing within the crowd on the opposite side. Near the front, Credence and Nagini stood together, one transfixed, the other agitated by the crowd. In a similar manner, Jacob and Queenie stood not too far from Tina and Ariadne.

"My brothers, my sisters, my friends: the great gift of your applause is not for me. No, it is for yourselves." His voice came out like honey, silky smooth and sweet, pleasing to hear. "You came today because of a craving and a knowledge that the old ways served us no longer. You come today because you crave something new, something different." Grindelwald stared directly at Credence and Ariadne could tell; the charm he wore was working. "It is said that I hate the Non-Magiques. The Muggles. The No-Maj. The Can't-Spells." At his words, jeers from the crowd rang, expressing their hatred for those who had no magic. From his position, Silas Nott smirked. "I do not hate them. I do not. For I do not fight out of hatred. I say the Muggles are not lesser, but other. Not worthless, but of other value. Not disposable, but of a different disposition. Magic blooms only in rare souls. It is granted to those who live for higher things. Oh, and what a world we could make, for all of humanity. We who live for freedom, for truth and for love." Queenie smiled as her eyes met Grindelwald's while Jacob peered distruthfully at the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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