069 black silk

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He's here.

As if foretold by the fates above, black silk fell out of the sky, twisting and turning with the wind. His dark banners covered the entire city. A call to his followers. They acted quickly, immediately accessing the wide scale invitation. It all happened so fast, one moment Ariadne was sitting beside Reuben, another she was snatched by the weight of their responsibilities. They didn't know where or when but everyone was certain that it was happening tonight.

Ariadne was the last to slip into the meeting room, voices trying to overpower each other rang, none providing a clear answer. In French or in English, one conclusion was drawn, their bravery collectively could be squashed by their fears. Mathéo was hunched over the table, his eyes scanning the map in front of him. Theseus stood next to him, disapproving of another's suggestion of violence.

Ariadne turned to Theseus with wide eyes, watching his hands move frantically. She stood so far away from him, her hands beginning to shake. She wouldn't let this night have the same outcome, she wouldn't let them hurt another one of her friends. Grindelwald's reign, his power needed to come to an end.

"Do you need to step outside?" Reuben asked, his hand softly falling on her shoulder. She flinched away, unaware of his presence. His eyes were nothing but filled with gentleness, causing her to nod, she needed space. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Ariadne shook her head before the word could fall out. "No."

She stumbled out, never knowing the need for air until this moment. Her throat was gnawing shut, her arms tingling with a sensation that neither caused pain or comfort. Outside, she was staring up at sheer black silk, waltzing in the air. So it was real. It wasn't a false warning, or a mistake on the human eye. Somehow, seeing Grindelwald's banner morphed Ariadne's anxiety into sadness, wishing that she had more time.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar figure. Cramped up within the alleyway, was Newt Scammander downing a vial, his physical form flickering until Theseus stood in front of... Tina? If Ariadne had wasted a second more on her own anxiety, she would have missed the transformation. As if sensing her eyes on him, Newt, as Theseus locked eyes with Ariadne's wide ones. Acting quickly, Newt grabbed Tina's arm, pulling her along until he stood outside the Ministry's entrance, until he stood right in front of Ariadne, whose mouth formed an 'o.'

"What are you doing?" she wondered in bewilderment, staring at a version of Theseus that didn't seem quite right. Easily, she seemed to catch on, her head moving between the pair and the Ministry entrance. "Do you know how many laws you're breaking?" Tina watched Ariadne's bafflement expand with every second wasted, causing her to shoot Newt an apprehensive stare.

"There's a box in the Ministry safe. It'll tell us who Credence is. I need it," he insisted.

"Okay," Ariadne nodded, a little breathless, "Okay. I'll distract Theseus. You better be right, Newt." Despite her warning, she knew Newt and despite his unlawful behaviour, she always agreed with his morals. Turning to the witch next to her, she broke out into a quick smile. "It's lovely to see you, Tina."

Ariadne spun quickly on her heels, her panic ushered aside due to more fleeting matters. Her steps were quick, rushing to find Theseus or any other auror. She needed to keep them away. She needed to get Newt and Tina inside without any prying eyes. And as if fate decided to despise Ariadne, every auror exited the meeting room, filling the main level of the French Ministry. Her urgency made Ariadne push past the crowd, lost in the maze created by the standing aurors. Despite this, the shortest witch found her first. Leta, held onto her arm, stopping her from staggering.

"Where is Theseus?" she questioned before Leta could ask about her wellbeing. By the time an answer could arise, Theseus stood next to them, his body filled with nerves. "What is happening?" she asked him, moving so that his back would be turned against the railing that overlooked the Ministry's typing pool.

He sighed, glancing at Leta for a moment. "They think Credence is your brother, Leta."

"He is dead, Theseus," she affirmed, her voice void of any emotion while her cold eyes stared at the wizard.

"The records, they will prove that. They can't lie," Theseus disclosed, "Ariadne-"

"Theseus." Traver's voice shot through the crowd, his affirmative tone causing Theseus to turn around, walking towards Travers with Ariadne hot on his trail. With Theseus in the group, Travers addressed his aurors. "I want every person at that rally arrested. If they resist-"

"Sir, forgive me," Theseus started, his mind trailing back to the warning Dumbledore shared, "But if we go in too heavy, don't we run the risk of adding to the-"

"Just do it." Travers interrupted, his tone sharp and short. Before any other arguments could arise, Theseus caught sight of a reflection. It was him walking, head down with a woman he had never seen. Caught in a daze, Theseus paused and Ariadne could see the recognition in his eyes as he stepped towards the railing.

"Theseus," she warned, watching as Travers continued walking. She pulled at the edges of his coat, hoping that he would turn towards her. However, Newt glanced up, making direct eye contact with his brother. Theseus then bolted, pursuing the pair as Newt grabbed Tina's arm, picking up the pace. Cursing to herself, Ariadne followed, leaving an angry Travers who hadn't spotted Newt yet with the befuddlement of the crowd.

"Theseus!" Ariadne yelled, hoping to get him to stop, however the duration of Newt's polyjuice potion ended. The alarm rang, alerting everyone of Newt's presence in the Ministry, posters on the wall morphed, depicting a photo of him. Ariadne followed Theseus, running after him as he caught up with Newt and Tina inside a mailroom. He shot a spell as the pair's back was turned, however his aim was off. Instead of hitting them, his spell caused a stack of mailcart boxes to explode. Before any damage could be done, Tina countered the spell, each box frozen levitating in the air.

"He needs to control his temper," she commented, staring at the man as he lowered his wand. Tina pointed her wand at Theseus, slamming him down onto a wheely chair that she conjured out of thin air. Hands bound, Theseus flew backwards until the back of his chair collided with the wall, sliding right in front of Ariadne and into another room.

"I think that might have been the best moment of my life," Newt mentioned, smiling in awe as he collected all the boxes and placed them back on the mailcart. He and Tina ran off deeper into the Ministry while Ariadne skidded to a stop, replaying the scene in her mind as she let out an amused chuckle.

"Are you alright?" Ariadne asked, leaning against the pure white door frame.

"Ariadne, get me out," he pleaded exasperated, hands locked behind the back of the chair.

"No, I don't think I will," she grinned, shamefully enjoying the moment as she moved closer to him. "Listen, Newt is... Newt is special. I have faith that he's doing the right thing."

"He broke into the French Ministry of Magic, disguised as me," Theseus pointed out.

"I didn't say it was legally right," she offered, rubbing her forehead. "Merlin, after this you and Newt need to have a one on one sit down," she mumbled under her breath before she clapped her hands together. "In the meantime, I think I might just leave you here."


"Don't take it personally," she smirked, kissing his cheek before twisting her body as she walked away. At the sound of his voice, she used her wand to close the door, only turning back the second before the door closed completely. She could see him in the small glass window, the disappointed and frustrated stare following her as she left. Still, he couldn't help but let a small smile grace his lips as he sighed. Merlin, was he falling deeper and deeper.

[1379 words] 

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