032 i wish you would

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The night before was spent with Dumbledore going over the logistics of his plan. Of course he had everything ready even before she accepted the mission. Sometimes she wondered what would happen if she declined? But they both knew she couldn't. Ariadne watched as Theseus returned to his office, having finally finished another meeting. If she had read Melinda's schedule right, Theseus would be free in the next hour. She inhaled slowly before knocking on the door of Theseus' office, the rehearsed script replaying in her mind one more time. With a soft, 'come in,' Ariadne opened and closed his door.

"Have you had time to read my request?" Of course he hadn't. She had just put it on his desk a few moments before. She played with her fingers as she said this, nervousness appearing for no apparent reason. Theseus glanced at her before his eyes landed on the filled out form.

"No I have not." He picked up the paper, his eyes darting across it. Slowly he froze, "You want to leave?"

"Just 3 months of leave," Ariadne corrected, almost wincing at his unease, "I've gotten a job offer in the MACUSA for... Head Auror." She didn't like the implications that were consequently brought with her words. She didn't like how she sounded like she was betraying his leadership. She didn't like how she sounded unsatisfied with her worklife, as if Theseus had ruined her career ambitions.


"They've allowed 3 months of paid work so that I may assess the work environment, especially since this will be a big change for me," she recited, trying to make every word sound truthful.

"Ariadne, this-"

"Is a big decision, I know," she interrupted, knowing that she would almost crumble if he asked her to stay, "After the 3 months are up, I will decide if I accept the job." Honestly, she wondered how Dumbledore had fabricated the surrounding circumstances. The letter from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement arrived at her window early this morning, signed truthfully by the Head of Department. Indeed, inside there was a position offer for her.

"You would move to America?" There was a tint of hurt lingering in his words.

"If I accept, yes."

"Do you want to?"

'No. Not at all.'

"I haven't decided," she let out, keeping her eyes away from Theseus.'

"Do you not like it here?" He questioned. "Is it because of me?"

"No," she didn't know what else to say. His puppy-like eyes were hard enough to stare into too. "I just thought I had the potential to do so much more," there was some truth in her words. "I mean, they have a woman for President. Half of the men here can't even look at me or recognise the fact that I am an auror."

Theseus didn't know what to say. How do you convince someone to stay for the sole purpose of your own selfishness? He couldn't even imagine what she was going through, the problems that she faced daily just because she was a woman. It wasn't his place to say anything.


"Don't ask me to stay," she imparted, words falling out slowly as she avoided his stare, "I've made up my mind."

"I'll see to it that your request is permitted," her eyes fitted back to Theseus as he avoided her's. The awkward air had seeped back in and Ariadne nodded, hands pressed behind her back. Without another word, she left him. Part of her heart was aching to console him, to tell him that she would be back, that she would never choose America over him. But she couldn't. This was bigger than her. Stopping Grindelwald was bigger than her.

[618 words]

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