052 delivering a letter

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This was a bad idea.

She knew it as she arrived at Abbott Manor. She knew it as she walked up the stairs, past the host who gave her a fake smile. She knew it as she recognised faces in the crowd, faces from her childhood.

This wasn't just any party. This was a party hosted by purebloods who welcomed other purebloods and invited respectable members of respectable families. Merlin, what was she doing here? She swore that she would never step foot in another decorated manor like this and yet she fitted in perfectly. A smile on her face as she walked past people who knew her reputation. She knew half the people here wanted to jump on her for her status and the other half because she helped put the one wizard they look up to behind bars.

Discreetly playing with a ring on her finger, one that would transfigure back into a sealed letter once the clock struck midnight, Ariadne searched for the man who brought her here as she awkwardly weaved through crowds of conversation. With eyes glossing around the party, she saw the one person she wished not to see here. And he spotted her for the first time tonight as he marched towards her, eyes running up and down her figure.


"Theseus. What on earth are you doing here?" she let out, more displeasure in her voice than she realised.

"I received an anonymous tip telling the ministry that we should send an auror here. Which begs the question, what are you doing here?" He left out the part where Travers thought the message was utter rubbish. He left out the part that he had received an invite weeks ago but decided against going until he received the message. He also left out that he thought she looked absolutely divine tonight.

"Decided I needed to broaden my social circle," she hid the truth from him as she used humour to cover up her tracks. Why did he have to learn to become her human lie detector? And anonymous? Really? She could only think of one person who would do such a thing and he was the same one who told her she should attend this party with someone else.

He gestured around, "With them?"

He was right. There was no way Ariadne could weasel her way out. She had talked crap about almost everyone here, with their self righteous complexion and their pureblooded morals. Sighing to herself, she glanced around, eyes finally catching her target. Franklin Selwyn and his older brother Alexander made their way down the stairs. It was easy to see who was the party lover and who wasn't. Alexander shone brightly with the attention, smiling flirtatious at other women while Franklin seemed to stick close to the shadow, eyes darting around like he was being hunted.

Theseus followed her peering eyes and made a face, "You're not serious."

"Excuse me," she left him and his surprised expression. Stalking towards her prey, she grabbed a drink from a floating tray. She watched as he awkwardly stood to the side, his eyes straying to his brother. A beat passed before Ariadne deliberately bumped into Franklin. Gasping loudly, the drink spilled all over his blue blazer.

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