057 set the trap and watch

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Inside the Ministry, Ariadne sat on a random bench, tapping her heels against the soft purple carpet. Melinda had instructed that she wait here for Theseus, who was currently held up in a meeting. The quietness of the corridor allowed her a little moment of peace before she started her day. Speaking of the man, she hadn't properly talked to him after their kiss. He had left before it got too late and Ariadne realised she didn't ask the one question that now seemed to haunt her. Where to go from now?

Eventually footsteps brought Ariadne out of her trance and her eyes connected with the one man who plagued her mind.

"Abbott has been asking for you and won't talk," Theseus started, trying to remain professional as he ignored the way his heart leapt at the sight of her. "He's been detained and Travers has allowed you to interrogate him."

Arrogance filled her smirk, "Really?"

"Behave yourself," Theseus scolded playfully before he returned to his sobriety, "I've also convinced them to let you in on the case. Everything you need to know is in this file."

"Finally." She eagerly took the file, eyes skimming over everything Wilton had written, scrutinising every word he used.

"And Ariadne, don't try to rile them up."

"No promises." They rounded the corner, coming to a stop outside the room that held Norman Abbott. Travers and Wilton stood outside, conversing about something important. Wilton straightened at the sight of his Head Auror while Ariadne tried not to roll her eyes. "Gentleman," she started, her voice dripping with acidity. If Theseus could, he would facepalm and drag Ariadne away.

Travers frowned, his eyes glazing past Ariadne. "Let's get started."

Of course they didn't let her go in by herself. Of course the three men stood at the back of the cell while Ariadne sat in front of Norman Abbott. She leaned back in her chair while Abbott straightened, his eyes glossing over the newcomers. Appearing bored and disinterested, Ariadne rolled her head to the side, cracking her neck while staying silent. Abbott's eyes followed Ariadne's motion, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Theseus felt both the stare of Travers and Wilton. He was well aware that due to his position as Head Auror, he had to take the blame for the mistakes and behaviours of his aurors. If his aurors weren't creditable, what good was his leadership? However, unlike the two wizards standing next to him, he had faith in Ariadne, not because of last night, but because he knew her and her worklife. She was headstrong, sharp and lastly, a great auror.

"Speak," she finally said, "You asked for me."

"Ariadne Nott," Abbott began condescendingly. His hands were cuffed together, stopping any form of magic from flowing through his veins. Regardless, Abbott leaned forward, trying to gain any sense of control. "Glad to see that you haven't changed."

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