060 i know you better

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Ariadne had been debriefing Reuben when time had caught up on her. Apologising preposterously, her mentee assured her that it was quite alright, that his mother didn't mind his lateness for dinner as long as he was back before she went to sleep. Reuben was a good kid, respectable and considerate. Quickly, Ariadne had learned about his caring nature and determined attitude. As he returned to his desk to pack up, Theseus approached Ariadne, who was standing in front of the large maps, illustrating the vast city, pinpoints of different locations that had been infested with havoc.

Keeping his voice quiet to not raise suspicion, Theseus lowered his head toward Ariadne's ear, "Let me take you out tonight. It'll take your mind off things," he put it simply, shrugging his shoulders as if there was no other reason he wanted to spend the rest of his evening with her. A smile crept onto her face as she glanced over at him.

"Depends," she replied coyly, toying with the notion of playing hard to get. "Do I get food?"

"My lady can choose any dish she wants."

"Okay," she shrugged, mocking his simplicity, "You can take me out."

"Perfect," he whispered into her ear. If it wasn't for the environment they were in, Ariadne would have pulled him close. However, she would keep her emotions in tact, particularly here. They walked out of the Ministry with Reuben, the boy talking excitedly about his family when Theseus asked. The corridors were dimly lit, quiet at this hour except for the house elves cleaning.

Waving goodbye to the young auror-to-be, Theseus turned to Ariadne, "Where to?"

"I think I know a place."

On the other side of London, Ariadne brought Theseus inside the warm building, his hand in hers. The small muggled-owned restaurant would hide them from peering gossiping eyes. It was filled with others, only a few spare tables. Despite that, it was still quiet. Clinking of glassware and soft conversations shared the space. Ariadne had elbow on the table, resting her head against her wrist.

"How's Reuben?" Theseus asked, curious to know where his girlfriend stood with the younger auror. He had placed the boy in the care of Ariadne knowing that the other aurors would practically eat Reuben alive. The boy had naive dauntlessness that he wanted to preserve. It was rare to see someone like that nowadays.

"He's so... different," she slowly concluded, taking her sweet time to answer with food in her mouth.

"How is that bad?"

"It's not," Ariadne uttered, shaking her head. "I think we need to be a bit different these days. He's determined. I like him." Yes, she was wary of the boy before meeting him, but Ariadne couldn't lie, the boy was sweet. He was eager and honest, a welcoming trait considering the workplace they were in. "How's your side of things?"

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