006 i see sparks fly

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The weekend finally rolled by after a long week filled with relentless schooling. Tests and assignments were thrown in every direction and most struggled to keep up. Despite that fact, Ariadne and Theseus walked alongside the castle, their legs treaded in knee deep snow. They too were ignoring the piles of homework they had to complete as their cheeks turned rosy. The sun was out behind the clouds, providing little warmth. Laughter rang across the field as other students played in the snow.

"Will you come to the quidditch match?" Ariadne asked, a grin gracing her face. She was never described as smiley but with Theseus it seemed natural. "It's Slytherin vs Ravenclaw, so this time, you don't have to choose a house," she poked his side, teasingly. He rolled his eyes while trying to swat her hand away.

"I'll come. Only for you, Ariadne."

"That's sweet, considering you hate the sport," Ariadne mused.

"I don't hate quidditch. It's just-"

"You're just not brave enough to fly," Ariadne basically sang. Funny enough, despite her words, Theseus Scamander hated Quidditch because of the competitive spirit his teammates had harboured. He hated the animosity that came with it. But most importantly, he hated that no matter what, there were winners and losers. As a winner, you couldn't help but feel for the losers. As a loser, you couldn't help but feel disappointment, in yourself and in your team. Maybe if he wasn't too empathetic, winning would feel easier and losing wouldn't be that bad. Nevertheless, Theseus scoffed at Ariadne's words and lightly shoved her. In retaliation, she kicked snow into his clothes and he stared down at her.

"Oh, it is on."

"No! I didn't mean it!" She laughed, words contradicting her actions. Ariadne put as much distance between her and the boy as he compacted snow in his palms. She ducked as a snowball was hurled at her. "You missed!"

"Did you want me to hit you?" He yelled back.

"Nope!" Ariadne ran as Theseus began to chase her. However, as she looked back, she tripped over tree roots hidden beneath the snow. Letting a sound of shock slip her lips, Ariadne went down and without enough time to come to a stop, Theseus went down with her. She groaned as his head knocked into her stomach, shivering as snow went down the back of her jumper.

When he lifted his head, she really wished he hadn't. Their faces were just centimetres apart. She couldn't help but stare into his blue eyes, too afraid to look anywhere else. His eyes flickered down to her cherry pink lips before darting right back up. And for a moment, she really wished he had closed the gap.

Desperate to get out, Ariadne grabbed a handful of snow. Without wasting another moment, she lightly slapped his cheek, rubbing ice-cold snow across his face. He flinched at the cold and moved away after she smeared bits of snow into his golden brown hair. Theseus narrowed his eyes, snow fell onto Ariadne's face as he shook his head. Laughing as the snow tickled her face, he offered his hand. She smiled at him and took his hand, hoisting herself up. After declaring 'peace' with each other, they made their way back inside the castle.

"Can you believe it's Christmas in two weeks?" Ariadne asked as they continued to walk alongside each other. There was a pit of dread forming in her stomach at the thought of returning home but she needed words to fill the silence.

"Time does fly," Theseus noted.

"Are you staying for the Christmas break?" Ariadne asked, curiously.

"No. Are you?"

"Nope," she answered, easily hiding her anxiety, "My parents want me back for Christmas."

"You look horrible, Ariadne," Theseus commented, glancing up from his book.

"You're charming, Theseus." Ariadne closed the compartment door, suppressing a yawn as she ungracefully flopped down onto the seat, face first. She heard Theseus snap his book shut before sighing to himself.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Probably not," Ariadne replied truthfully. Her answer did nothing to suppress Theseus' concern, "Eh 'sfine." She swivelled around, turning to face the boy. Tilting her head to the side, "I got you a Christmas present. I also charmed it to zap you if you open it before Christmas." She grabbed a box from her bag and tossed it to Theseus. It was a plain cardboard box with a simple red lace that kept it together. He grabbed the box before dropping it like a hot potato.

"Ow! I didn't even open it," he yelped, shaking his hand in pain.

"Maybe you were thinking of it?" she exclaimed. Her eyes were wide from surprise.


"I don't know," Ariadne squeaked, shaking her head, "Is your hand okay?" Words died in his throat as she gently examined his hand, fingers gliding across his own. His heart pounded as her dark eyes connected with his blue ones. She looked so pretty, her features dancing with the natural light seeping through the train's window. Theseus dropped her hand as he reached for something in his pocket. Pulling out a small box, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Theseus' chest, hugging him tightly and resting her chin on his shoulder.

"Happy Holidays, Theseus."

"Happy Holidays, Ariadne."

[884 words]

edited 19.03.24


this chapter is soo cutee. also im feeding you some insight into their past relationship before it got wrecked. pls tell me if i have any spelling errors. i didnt properly check this one


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