002 a suspicious witness

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Entering the scene of the crime, she found Bailey Thatcher, staring up at the portrait of the elderly couple. Hearing her footsteps, he turned to smile at her. Ariadne knew him as one of Theseus' closest friends. They would regularly partner together for missions and Ariadne tended to try and avoid them both. He had chocolate hair, dark enough to be mistaken as black. Trimmed nicely, his curly hair was kept just above his shoulders. Flashes of a younger boy in Hogwarts reminded Ariadne that despite the length of time knowing him, she had never really talked to him.

"What have you found?" Ariadne asked politely.

"Well, five of Grindelwald's followers entered the building at about 7:05 pm. Lincoln left his wand downstairs which left him defenceless and it's assumed that Marcia tried to fight them off but she was overpowered. They killed her and Ms Millard saw the green light. She alerted the ministry at 7:13 pm."

"Don't trust Ms Millard," Ariadne and Theseus chorused. Ariadne's gaze snapped over to where Theseus stood, leaning against the doorframe. As their eyes connected, she let out a huff. She hadn't noticed his arrival being too focused on Thatcher.

"She's not who she says she is," Ariadne said first, beating Theseus to it. There was no way Ms Millard could have overheard a scream, not from where she was situated. Her words were twisted lies. Ariadne turned to Theseus, "We need to talk," and walked out of the room. She passed his shoulder and Theseus sighed. This was going to be a long day.

"Good luck, mate," Bailey joked, patting him on the shoulder, watching as Theseus rushed to catch up with the shorter witch. It amused him to see them forced to work together. He had heard all about Ariadne from Theseus' rants, ones from his youth and ones from recent times. What in the world was Barracus thinking pairing them together?

Theseus approached Ariadne as she headed down the stairs. Eyes wide, he caught sight of Millard entering the manor, alone with her wand in her hand. Without wasting a second, he grabbed Ariadne and pushed her into the closest room. She protested loudly but was silenced as he muffed her voice with his hand over her mouth. Her eyes shot up and he put a finger to his lips. Footsteps past them and Ariadne's heartbeat picked up. The warmth of his hands on her face and her shoulder shot through her body.

"What are we doing here?" She whispered as he dropped his hand from her mouth. He had pulled her into a storage room. Shelves lined the walls along with boxes of whatnot. It was small and not as elegant but who would design a room filled with miscellaneous goods to be refined?

"We're hiding," he said coolly.

"We're hiding, here?"

"Oh, sorry it's not the Bahamas of hiding places," he rolled his eyes at her while she looked at him as if he was crazy. He pressed two fingers to the bridge of his nose, "Millard entered the building."

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