030 cold shoulder

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Stuck in an auror meeting, Ariadne was beyond pissed. Honestly, it was probably selfish of her but she couldn't help it, she was scared. She didn't want to lose her friendship with Theseus but he didn't even come to her birthday dinner. If he didn't have time for her birthday, would he have time for her at all?

Talking about nothing but administration and plan arrangements, Ariadne couldn't help but notice how fresh Theseus looked, almost like he actually took her advice a few days ago. She should have felt relieved, delighted that he was taking care of himself again, but she couldn't. If he had time for himself, what about her?

"Ariadne, your turn," Theseus' voice brought her out of her trance. Shit, she had zoned out to his words. She had no idea what he was talking about. Keeping the mask on her face, she glanced over to Melinda who mouthed, 'the reports,' with concern in her eyes.

Standing up slowly, all eyes were on her immediately. It felt weird having everyone look at her at once, although she found the comforting eyes of Melinda and started from there.

"Upon recent reports, the number of rallies held in London have increased. Grindelwald is not usually present but they are still influential. The destruction left behind is detrimental. However, shutting it down with force is ineffective," she glanced to the right, eyes landing on Michael Wilton, an auror who has always opposed her ideas, even if she was right. Her sharp glare was directed at his poor attempt at leadership when he ordered their team to terminate a rally against Ariadne's instructions.

"So what's your solution?" Wilton challenged. He had his hand resting on the chair next to him, lazily leaning on his own. Ariadne inhaled, trying to contain her irritation. She wasn't done, his interruption was unnecessary and just plain rude.

"Most of the time, these people haven't even broken any laws," she continued, her eyes moving from auror to auror, avoiding Theseus,' "There is no reason to barge in with force. Our reputation with them is already broken, if we further damage-"

"They are followers of his. What more do I need?" Countered Wilton. He laced humour into his words causing a few of his friends to chuckle. They were quickly shut down by Theseus' glare and coughed awkwardly.

"They are people too," she ignored his eyes, frustrated with his lack of cohesion, "Misled and mistreated by people like you."

"Oh like me?" Wilton smirked, "What about you? Parents who are involved with Grindelwalds schemes. I think we should start taking a look at you," he stood up, slowly stalking towards her.

"I am nothing like them," Ariadne declared. If looks could kill, Wilton would be six feet below the ground.

"I'm sure you are," he muttered, his eyes distastefully glancing up her figure.

"Enough." Theseus' voice boomed over their dispute. His eyes darted from one heated auror to the other. It was enough to cease the dispute between the two. "Is that all Ariadne?" Why did his exasperation feel targeted towards her and only her?

"That is all, Mr Scamander," and she sat back down. Melinda's eyes shot up at Ariadne's formality and Bailey winced. Theseus' eyes flashed with hurt but his face stayed indifferent. The meeting carried on with others speaking, none experiencing an interruption. Annoyance could easily be read off Ariadne's face as she stared at the table in front of her. Playing with her bracelet for the rest of the meeting, she was glad when Theseus finally ended the conference, until...

"Ariadne, would you stay behind?" Ariadne turned her head to the side, hiding her expression from Theseus. Bailey patted her shoulder as he passed while Melinda gave her a comforting smile. When everyone walked out, Theseus made his way to her seat. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," her acidic tone suggested otherwise, "Did you need something?"

"No," he was taken back. Unsure what to say to her, he tried to place his hand on her's but she moved away, "Ariadne-"

"Then that is all," she pointed out, ending the conversation before he could say anything else. She moved towards the door, ignoring the ache in her heart. As soon as Ariadne left Melinda came in, reports in her hand, although she stopped when she saw the blank stare on Theseus' face.

"Did I do something?" He let out, searching his mind for a reason for Ariadne's aggravation.

"You don't know?"

"What?" His head snapped towards Melinda who sighed.

"Her birthday was two days ago," Melinda stated, "You promised you would be there but then dinner was finished and you weren't," the realisation on Theseus' face almost made Melinda feel guilty as well.

"I was just-"

"Caught up with work," she finished for him, "I know. But this isn't healthy, Theseus. You are here till ungodly hours of the night and you start the day when the sun hasn't risen. You missed Ariadne's birthday for Merlin's sake. Please, find a balance. For your sake and everyone's," saying nothing more, she left him alone. Her words hit him right in the chest. The soreness in his back was starting to become overwhelming as well as the headache. He needed rest. He knew that, but first he needed to reconcile with someone.

[886 words]

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