02, It Was Embarassing

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❝ 02 , it was embarassing ❞

Despite going to sleep late, Demi woke up as the sun rose across the horizon. The sheer fabric of her under-curtains let the sun leak through across her face as she let out a soft groan and rolled over onto her side. She pushed her arms above her head, stretching her back out before she kicked her covers back.

It took a minute for her to fully come back to life but once she had; her morning started.

She went to the bathroom first and brushed her teeth and then came back to her room. She switched her bedroom lamp off and then took a sip from the glass of water before she made her bed. The throw pillows that had fallen to the floor were placed back into their rightful place and she changed into her running gear.

She took her glass of water down with her and poured what was left away before she picked up an apple. Once she had eaten the apple, she threw the core in the bin before she headed out for her morning run. The sun had risen fully now which meant that she didn't have to worry about lurkers or stalkers as her feet smacked against the concrete pavement.

It was relatively quiet this early in the morning but by the time she had finished her run, half an hour or so later, London was alive and she could hear the noise. All of the noise. Chatter, business men heading to work, trains and buses and cars heading back, the noise of bikes zooming past Portland Row.

The sun shone on Demi's back as she pushed the front door open. She dropped her hair out of the ponytail, brushing it to one side to keep it out of her face as she headed upstairs to the bathroom.

Hopefully, Anthony was finished with his shower. He always showered in the morning and they had gotten into a routine. He was always first and then she jumped in once she was back from her run.

Today, he was walking out of the bathroom when she reached the top of the stairs. He had just his towel wrapped around his waist and his eyes widened slightly when they made awkward, brief eye contact.

"I thought you'd lie in," He muttered as he adjusted the towel around his waist. Demi shrugged it off, averting her gaze as she cleared her throat.

"I didn't close my curtains so I just went out," She mumbled in response. He nodded his head and she briefly looked up at him, catching his awkward gaze. Then he shuffled past her and headed to his room as she headed into the bathroom.

Demi closed the door behind her and let her head fall against it with a soft 'thunk'. Her cheeks were coloured a soft red and she could feel the heat in them as she let out a silent scream.

She was a complete idiot. It was embarrassing enough that Anthony had caught her after a run when she was sweaty with greasy hair and a red-face but she had run into him after his shower and totally invaded his privacy. Even if it was an accident, the anxiety still churned in her gut. A soft sigh escaped her lips before she switched the shower on.

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