07, The Next Room

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❝ 07 , the next room❞

The British Archives had been completely useless which was unusual. They had found nothing that could indicate a spiritual presence at the house that could cause any sort of haunting. Especially not one that the couple had described. It didn't make much sense but the trio were obligated to go anyway. It was money. Money that they needed.

So, as the sun slowly began to set, they made their way up the street towards the house. The sun was setting earlier and earlier as the weeks drew on. The October air bit at their skin as they walked up to the front door. Lockwood knocked, as he always did and they could see someone approaching the door through the frosted glass.

When the door opened, a friendly brunette woman was standing in front of them. Her hair was around shoulder length, a full fringe. She had a button nose and a smile that made you feel safe. Demi was reminded of her mother but she put those thoughts to one side as she adjusted the rapier around her waist.

"Hello, Mrs Beaufort," Lockwood began. The charming smile on his lips, "Were you able to fill out the forms?" He asked. She nodded and called back for her husband to come to the door. He appeared with a suitcase dragged behind him and a collection of papers in his hand.

"I hope they help your investigation. We just want to make sure there's nothing here," She explained as Mr Beaufort handed over the stack of papers. Lockwood nodded, completely understanding and the trio stepped down from the stairs. The house was clearly a new build. It didn't have the same feeling of oldness as Portland Row and the houses simply looked entirely different. Demi wasn't sure if she liked it. She was used to old homes.

"If there's any presence, it will be gone by the morning, I can promise you that." Lockwood was a good businessman to give credit where it was due.

But as she watched him move with the elegance and suave he did, she couldn't help but think about how gorgeous he was and how much she wished he had snogged her at the British Archives the other day. It would have put an end to her mind's spiral but she knew they couldn't, "Enjoy your evening," Lockwood called before he then turned to his companions. The three of them headed into the house and George was quick to begin talking.

"I don't think this is a good idea. I should have done more research so we know what we're walking into. I didn't even get to look at what the land wa-" George began to complain as Demi shut the door behind the boys. But he was cut off by Lockwood turning on him and practically glaring.

"George, we're gonna be fine," He retorted. Demi glanced around the hallway and she couldn't feel anything yet. It felt a pretty average temperature and she headed through the hallway towards the first door. Lockwood had taken the other one and Demi shone her torch around. It wasn't quite nightfall yet but it was still relatively dark in the little house. No presence jumped out at her.

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO, anthony lockwood ✔Where stories live. Discover now