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Sophia and Mason couldn't have had more opposite summers. Even if they both started the same way.

After they had snuck away to Sophia's bedroom and finally relieved some of the tension that had built between them with Sophia digging her nails into Mason's back and him moaning loudly into the crease of Sophia's neck as he came, they laid in bliss for a while.

Mason had run his fingers down the length of Sophia's back as she laid with her head on his chest, she could feel his heart beating against her cheek, she felt so close to him right now, even though he had only just been inside her, right now it felt more intimate.

They were only pulled from their thoughts when they could hear some clattering about outside, guessing people were starting to head back to their rooms. They knew they couldn't spend the night together. Mason knew with Dec's mouth everyone, and their mum would know that Mason was a dirty stop out, so he had to sneak back into his room asap.

"I don't wanna leave you" he said, pouting slightly after he had pulled on his clothes and was stood against the inside of the door.

Sophia had just put on a longer lounge shirt and was leaning up against the wall as he placed an arm around her back and dragged her body to his as she chuckled.

"I will see you in the morning" she laughed as he rubbed his nose against hers, his lips moving to her jaw, starting things back up again as she felt him starting to harden again against her thigh "Mase" she moaned out before snapping back "c'mon get going" she used all her might to push him away slightly as his hands gripped her hips.

"One more" he said as he pouted his lips at her, as she smiled before kissing his lips softly, brushing her hand against his jaw.

"Goodnight Mase" she said as she moved out of his grasp as he gripped onto the handle of the door.

"Goodnight Soph" he replied with a flash of his smile before darting out back to his room.

They had then seen each other the following morning before they were both leaving, Mason held Sophia a little longer when she gave him a hug goodbye, tucking his head towards her ear and telling he would miss her which made her smile.

Sophia had a summer full of plans, not big set-in stone plans but little things to make her smile. She had a two-week holiday with Amy and Hanna, Char couldn't dream of leaving her boyfriend for that amount of time, and she was a little bit annoyed with Sophia for not seeing George again. She had this idea in her head that they could all double date, which was dashed when George asked Sophia for another date and she had to let him down by saying she only really saw him as a friend.

She had 10 days away on the Dorset coast with her parents like they did every year. All the family would go, including aunts and uncles, her cousins and their families. They would all dip in over a three week period, with always one weekend where everyone was there. She was looking forward to seeing them all and she always reverted back to her old ways when she went home. Being the youngest of her siblings and cousins she was always treated like the baby of the family, and for a week or two Sophia loved that.

She definitely had the feeling that she would have a summer where she was carefree, however it turned out to be a summer were she found out she cared more.

Mason always tried to do as much as he could when the season ended, he wanted to make up for the time missed. Him and his family had planned to head over to Ibiza for 2 weeks, including some of his friends for one of the weeks and he had some trips booked in with some of the lads. He was going to go to Mykonos with Dec, Ben, Woody and Tom as well as a few of their other lads and they knew some of the boys they played with would be out there at the same time.

Mason hadn't even realised until Tom bought it up that this was the first summer they had spent together when everyone was single, or as close to it. Mason didn't want to bring up whatever was happening with Sophia as he wasn't sure it was anything yet, even though he felt like it could be. But all he did know was he wasn't looking for anyone while he was away, no holiday romance, no cheeky shag after too many shots, nothing.

However, things change fast. And all it took was a day of drinking, followed by a night of more alcohol, a dark club, and the stifling Greece heat to find him with his hands all over some girl, her tongue down his throat and his dick buried deep inside of her.

He regretted it instantly, but he didn't quite know why. He felt like he was betraying Sophia, even if they hadn't made anything official, he didn't want her to think less of him.

So when September camp came around he was going to make sure things with him and Sophia were right, he wasn't sure if he was going to tell her about the girl, or not, but he wanted her to know he cared about her.

Little did he know that even though Liam can be annoying at times, with his brash stories and overbearing nature, he is also great at getting the gossip. So, when all the coaches and backroom staff met up at St Georges Park in August for their team bonding day, which was usually a morning of presentations and the afternoon in a beer garden, he let slip that when he had been in Ibiza Jack had been there too and was filling him in on the lads antics.

Sophia had practically turned off from his speech, she didn't need to know what the boys had been up to, it was their free time, they shouldn't be spied on. However, her ears pricked up when she heard his name and she wished she hadn't listened.

"And Mount fucked some blonde girl, kept everyone up all night apparently, Ben had to go in and tell him to shut the fuck up"

Sophia felt her heart sink, she knows they didn't say anything about their relationship, or whatever this was, being exclusive but she thought it was kind of unspoken. She thought she meant more to him than just another girl to add to his list.

Maybe that was all she was to him. She cursed herself for allowing him to get past the wall she built up to new romances, but most of all she was angry at herself for believing this could really be anything more.

Who was she kidding?

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