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End of the season came, and Mason was buzzing to have a bit of a break before the next season started.

Chelsea had been playing away at Newcastle and he had tagged on a night out afterwards with a few of the team and some of his friends from back home, but that wasn't what he was most excited about.

He had convinced Sophia to let him come and stay with her for a couple of days, he knew she was meant to be going into St George's Park between now and the Euro's but he also knew she would work out some days to be at home.

So after some gentle persuasion she had sorted out for herself to work from home Monday to Wednesday and then head over for Thursday and Friday.

Which meant that Mason managed to leave Newcastle on the Monday morning via train with his friends, having been flown up on the Saturday and got off at Leicester.

He had told them about visiting some old Derby teammates which was believed and off he went.

Sophia picked him up just round the corner from the station, a beaming smile on his face when he saw her before drawing her lips in for a kiss before they went back to hers where he instantly made himself at home.

"How much work have you got to do?" Mason whined as he laid stretched out on Sophia's sofa half watching an episode of friends while half looking at Sophia as she sat at the dining room table.

"Mase in case you aren't aware" she said, pulling her glasses away from her eyes "it's the Euro's this year so my workload is pretty high" she smirked as she put her glasses back up and went back to looking at the schedule of events that her, Josh and Liam were working on to submit to the rest of the coaching team.

"You look so hot with your glasses on" Mason said as he leant over the back of the sofa looking at her.

She was already beautiful but there was something about that look, it made her seem assertive, in charge, dominant and it seemed to unlock something inside of him.

"Behave Mason" she said, not looking up from her screen as a smile spread across her lips.

"What?" he said with a smirk on his face "I'm not doing anything."

She let out a laugh as she carried on filtering through the papers on the desk, looking at the exercises the three of them had been working on and planning them into their days as Mason stood, walking over to Sophia and stopping behind her.

He leant down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, placing his chin on her shoulder and kissing her cheek "You make me so happy" he whispered into her ear as she couldn't help but smile more.

"Where's that come from?" she said turning her head slightly to look at.

"Just wanted to tell you" he said with a shrug as she kissed his lips once before turning back to her document.

He placed a kiss upon the top of her head before giving her shoulders one more squeeze before standing.

He meant want he said, she really did make him so happy


Sophia had loved having Mason around, she knew that they had originally said they would take things slow and see how things went but just having him around doing the most ordinary of things made her feel truly happy.

She had loved waking up beside him, seeing his lazy smile upon his lips when he would first wake up, she loved hearing his croaky morning voice, an octave lower than his normal tone.

She loved everything about having him around and she didn't want this feeling to go away

She had loved the way he had helped her make dinner for them last night, telling her he was her sou-chef and she could boss him around however much she liked.

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