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   Veasyra Velaryon was born 7 moons after her mother Rhaenyra and her 'father' Leanor wed. The maesters swore the babe would be premature, but gods be good the babe was healthier than a goat with pale skin and matching hair. Their firstborn, a girl, Veasyra was born on the pale moon of the tenth month in 111 AC.

She was announced heir by her mother moments after her birth. Her grandsire, the King Viserys, was astonished at the babes beauty even though she has yet to open her eyes. And when she did he was in even more awe, her pale purple eyes enchanted anyone the moment you set your gaze upon them.

Fitting for her pale purple eyes was a matching egg sat in the corner of her cradle. As soon as it was set next to the babe her eyes shot open once more. Her mother groaned thinking the babe would start screaming once more but was relieved when she saw the babe shuffle towards the egg and fall back into slumber.

   2 moons later and the egg hatched, revealing an onyx dragon with deep purple eyes. They refrained from naming him until Veasyra could name him herself.

   At 4 moons old she started crawling and pulling herself up onto furniture, and before she turned 5 moons she started walking. Soon after, at 7 moons she talked, uttering incoherent words then a 'mama' and finally a 'starflame'. It took her a bit longer to form actual words, but when she did she excelled in her reading and pronunciation.

She was taken to the queen when she was still a new babe and introduced to her uncles and aunt, Aegon, Helena, and Aemond, with Aegon being five already he wasn't as interested in another babe and Helena was intrigued with insects over anything else, even at three.

But Aemond being almost two when the babe was born was quite enthralled with the prospect of a close friend. He instantly sat up seeing the bundle of white hair and purple eyes, trying to hold her himself but his mother denied him. But to prevent a tantrum sat her gently next to the young prince. And from then on he wouldn't be without young Veasyra, no matter where she went he had to follow her.

On her first name day Veasyra was gifted many things, from gowns she'd grow into to jewels she'd wear years from now, but the thing her mother hated most that the young princess wouldn't stop receiving was marriage proposals. With Veasyra being the heir to the iron throne every noble born wanted a chance to betroth their sons to her. But Rheanyra wasn't allowing any of it, and surprisingly nether was the queen, shooing anyone who uttered a word of marriage far away.

A/N: This is my first book so I would appreciate any corrections in error if I missed them. This will probably just stay in my drafts tbh so if you're seeing this hope you enjoyed.

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