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   Syra never knew her fathers side of the family, as she barely knows her father. He's never really around which saddens Syra because she wants to know so much about driftmark and how they live differently from kings landing.

But sadly, her father never seems to be anywhere her mother, or children are. So instead of learning about driftmark and her family lineage from her father himself, she learns from Aemond. Who has been learning of driftmark in his lessons, he's not quite interested in it since there's no dragons or extreme wars. But he retold every word to Syra because the look of awe on her face made him smile.

The boys were training as usual, and Syra was watching as usual. But the environment felt different, for one her mother was there and for several some reason when ser cole looked up to the podium the look on his face immediately changed. So did his demeanor towards the Velaryon boys, like a flip, he got agitated when they stumbled. Even though they were outsized by they're swords. It was something that caught Syra's eyes, which means everyone noticed.

Except of course viserys, who seemed to look over everything bad in court nowadays. Especially when people would call his grandchildren bastards. That was something he rufused to believe. That was also another thing that confused Syra. How was she a bastard if she looks just like a Targaryen? I mean it did confuse her why her brothers had mousy brown hair and matching eyes. But she loved them nonetheless.

Syra was walking into the library when she heard her uncle Aegon laughing down the hall, she stopped instantly since everytime she passed him he'd make snide comments. She started walking the other way but heard his voice descend down the hall so it was clear for her to comfy to the library.

As she got into the room she saw her uncle Aemond reading, she tried her best to be quiet as to not disturb him, but of course she stumbled and knocked over a few books alerting him of her entry. He shot his head up but sighed as he saw it was only her.

"Come to quiz me on my lessons?"

"No actually," she chuckled "I was just coming for a book to read to my brothers for bedtime later."

"Oh.. well maybe you could stay and I can tell you anyways?" He tried for it to come out as a statement but it came out more like a question.

"What'd you learn about today?"

"The Conquest." He said with a bit of a smirk knowing it'd peek her interest. Syra rushed over wanting to know every single word he was told. He scrooched over to make room for her on the chair since she was little enough to sit with him. He told her of all the things he learned today and she sat, listening and eating up everything he said like it was gospel. It took him over an hour to hurry out everything he said, but it wasn't an annoyed hurry it was an excited one.

He was so happy he had someone to share his lessons with. Aegon never listened, why would he, he should be at the lessons but ever since he turned seven he never showed up. Gods know where he's been. And as for Alicent she wasn't interested in things like wars but tried to listen, but Aemond picks up on her disinterest and disappears.
Aemond never even tried to talk to his father anymore, what's the use he doesn't even acknowledge him. So for Syra to sit there and tentatively listen to him had him jumping for joy.

So, there they both sat huddled in one chair together reading a book about the conquest and making remarks to eachother about how they think it was like then, they were the only ones in there little worlds and they didn't mind at all.

A/n I feel like if there's more chapters it'll make more people want to read this and I want the feedback so bring it on lol. Anyways here it is.
Word count: 700

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