
4.1K 106 12

Dragonstone, Spring 128 AC

Veasyra has changed a lot over the past two years. She's grown to be the same height as her mother, teasing Luke for being taller than him. She's become more of a women with her hips becoming rounder and her bust filling out. She's a woman now.

She's 17 summers old and with that comes the calls of betrothals across all of Westeros. From the heart of the North to Dorne. Her father had taken it upon himself to refuse each and every one of them. Im his eyes no one is good enough for her, nor to be the future king consort.

When Syra walks through the halls of the castle she holds herself high. In the years she's been gone from court, a girl has blew away in the wind and a woman has blossom. She's confident and carries herself as such. She knows she's intimidating and she uses it to show who she is. With training consistently she's toned and fit and it shows in the dresses she wears. They aren't revealing per say, just accentuates her blossomed features.

Arriving at the drawing table, she's hit with a pile of letters and her father rubbing his temples in stress. As she fully entered the room Daemon sat up straighter and acknowledged her presence with a smile.

"All those are betrothals for you my dear." I breathlessly laughed,"They can't possibly be. Why would they want my hand? That's absurd."

"You're the heir to the iron throne. And a beautiful one at that."

Her father cherished his daughter when she was young. He wanted her to stay a little girl forever but she didn't. He wanted to lock her away in a tower and never let her out when she walked out in a dress one day filled out and womanly.

"Are you entertaining any?"

"Not at the moment but fill free to read them and give me your opinion. This is all up to you, of course." Daemon didn't want her in a loveless marriage trapped by a man.

As she walked to the table and grabbed letters she realized the amount. Not only was there a pile, but a stack to the side as well. There couldn't possibly be this many offers. She didn't even know there were this many unwed highborn men in Westeros.

Picking up the first one it read; dear Veasyra Targaryen, my name is Lord Tarwin Lannister, I have been told you are without a betrothel and have written to offer myself and ask for your hand.

"No way in seven hells am I marrying a Lannister. Next!"

Lord Barry Baratheon, asking for Veasyra Targaryen's hand in marriage.

"Isn't this the youngest Baratheon? At 10 moons? Ha! Nope."

Lord Cregan Stark asking for Veasyra Targaryen's hand if I would have the honor.


This caught Daemon's attention. "Who?" He asked very curiously.

"Lord Cregan. He's a few years older than me I believe?"

"Yes about 19 I believe." Daemon sounded apprehensive with Syra's interest in him. "I mean we could write him if you want. Inquire more on his intentions." Daemon didn't want to but if it had to be someone he's heard the next lord Stark is a gentleman.

"Okay" Syra simply stated, she'd entertain it if it meant she'd fulfill her duty to the realm.

Syra's Pov.

After leaving my father to write back to the Starks, I went to find my lady. It had been hours since I had last seen her which has been happening quite often as of late. Meagor was the first person I thought would know the ins and outs of the castle. He had an interest in knowing all of the secret spots so there were no threats lurking in the shadows.

As I rounded the corner to where his chambers where I stopped, hearing giggles. I didn't want to disturb him if he was in company. Meagor has shown interest in very few ladies. Mostly brothel workers and such. Never bringing them back to the castle but when he returned the next day, in the same clothes he wore the day before, I picked up on what he was doing.

I peeked around and instantly retracted my head. Not because I had been seen, but because of who I had seen. Alessandra. With Meagor. In the middle of the hall in an embrace. This side of the castle was very sparse with residents, maybe that's why Meagor chose it.
Why were they in an embrace? We're they intimate with one another? We're they just close friends?

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard them part ways and one of them come my way. I silently ran away as to not be found. As I rushed to my room to make it seem like I was awaiting Sandra and not spying on her I collapsed in a chair and yanked a book off the stack beside it. I steadied my breathing and started reading to further the farce.

Sandra entered the room and acted as if nothing happened, she was just like always. It made me wonder when this all started. How long has she been hiding this from me? I thought we told each other everything.

"How has your day been dear." She inquired.

"Quite interesting actually. And yours? Anything worth mentioning?" I wasn't going to outright ask her but I am going to guilt her into giving herself away. I've learned how to get people to tell me their secrets. She looked at me for a moment before she started to breath heavily.

"Nothing memorable, what happened that was so interesting may I ask?"

"Oh you know the usual. Proposals and such." If she's not going to tell me I'll just have to wait and let her guilt unfold. "You know you are my closest friend, I trust you with everything." Time for the guilt trip.

"I- I don't know what to say Syra."

"Nothing. Just be there for me and know that I trust you with everything. I don't trust many people." With that I told her to start prepping me for dinner. It was silent which was abnormal, she looked deep in thought and that made me think she would tell me in the following days.

A/n: Little time jump this chapter and Veasyra is aged up and is now a 'woman'

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Little time jump this chapter and Veasyra is aged up and is now a 'woman'. How do y'all feel about a Cregan moment? I'm kind of wanting to do something there like flirty but for sure her and Aemond will get together. I just need things to fill the time gap and what better way than a trip to winterfell. Let me know your opinion.
Word count 1.1k

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