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It was the next morning and every leige lord was gathered in the throne room, surrounding the painted table. War strategies were being thrown out left and right but none ensured fully that the blacks would win. There was always a snag or a possibility of defeat.

"Well if we use all of the dragons on the front lines-" one lord started.

"And what waste every dragon to the massive beast that is vhagar?" Daemon countered. He was frustrated that not a single one of the experienced men could tell him a definitive way of winning.

The doors open and a guard announces the princess arrival.
"Princess Vaesyra Targaryen, Heir to the iron throne and mother of dragons."

As Syra walked in all lords ignored her, focusing their attention onto devising a plan. Daemon gave a look saying 'what do we do?' And she scanned the map of Westeros.

"If we send the smaller dragons in, the fast ones, their distract vhagar and the army will work through the greens on the ground. Me, Daemon and the queens dragons will take out the rest in the sky before aiding on the ground. They have a smaller army than us but more advanced weapons, we should come out on top and if not we atleast took out over half their men and every dragon but vhagar." When she finished, finally looking up from the table every eye was on her.

Some with impressed looks, other with envy, but a majority with distain. How could a girl know better than them?

"That will never work." One voiced.

"And what do you have in mind?" She argued.

"They all grew silent, not bringing up their plans which the king consort had already denied.

"Exactly. This is the best plan we have and the most effective strategy." She added, "If you're upset you were outsmarted by a girl just wait til you see me in the sky." With that she turned and left.

Shoes were heard catching up to her and she whipped her head around, ready to be met with an outraged old man. She was met however with a young wolf.

"Cregan." She smiled, "How has you day been?"

"Better now that I've seen you." She blushed at his compliment, "How did you come up with that strategy so quickly?" He questioned.

"I didn't. I've had it planned since my brother was killed." She confessed.

"Well it's an impressive plan." She just smiled, "I didn't know you were taught about planning wars."

"I wasn't, but I was raised to get revenge on those who've wronged you." She had a look of madness in her eyes that only a Targaryen would have. One of fire and blood.

"Well my princess, we shall win the war with your leadership." He quipped.

"No we'll win the war with your men." She walked closer to him.

"And your dragons." He added getting even closer.

"And then.. we'll get married and go to the North, with the snow and my dragons to light the fires." At her imagined future she looked at Cregan with a loving glance. One that made him want to melt.

See not only did he find Syra incredibly intelligent and mysterious, but he also found her to be the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on. Sure there were the beauties of The North, but none even came close to his Syra. It even sounds weird for him to think 'She's his. And he's hers.  Not just yet though, first he must win this war for her. She'd been through so much just to lead up to it, and he knew he had to protect her from so much more to follow. But he'd do it, all for her.

"I'll win this war. For you, my love." And with that he kissed her passionately.

Ummm end of book One.
I realized that since season two is going to be an ENTIRE war, that'd it'd be a whole book in itself. And of course the aftermath of the war. All in all it's going to be at least two books. I hope yall are okay with that because I feel like there being two books is better than one extremely long one. Anyways the cast and 'vibe' I guess, of the book will be out sometime next week.

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