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As I was waking up I realized I was in an arm chair with someone holding my hand. I opened my eyes and scanned the room, my hearing coming back to the muffled shouts of that filled the room. I feel my hand being squeezed and find Aemond. Oh Aemond, he has a huge gash across the left side of his face completely covering his eye. It was swollen and being stitched up currently.

That's when I felt the pain in my face erupting. But I pushed it to the side to tried to tune into the conversation. My head was fuzzy still so I made out mumbles but I saw everyone. My mother huddled with my siblings, not even sparing me a glance, the queen next to Aemond looking distressed at both of us, and daemon off to the side looking like he wanted to murder someone.

When he looked at me his face hardened even more for a brief second before softening when he saw my scared expression. Beside him was a teenage boy who looked about 17 namedays, he had long white hair so I assumed him to be a Targaryen. He looked stern and unmoved about what was happening. He looked just like daemon but younger and more muscular. He looked my way and tried to give me a smile but I'm guessing he doesn't do that much since it looked forced.

At this point the maester was done with Aemond, he turned to me and handed me a cup. I looked at it confused, and he elaborated, "Milk of the poppy, it'll be painful when I stitch so you best drink up."

"Stitch what?" I choked out. I didn't feel much pain after taking many gulps. He still yet to explain where he's stitching until he hands me a hand mirror. I see an awfully long cut going from my temple to above my eyebrow. With the way me and Aemond were huddled in the hall his head was leaned against mine touching my my temple with his forehead, so when Luke sliced he went from Aemonds cheek to my forehead. Leaving a connected line acrossed us both.

Mine was much smaller which made me feel guilty. If I had only been a little more in front of him he'd have less of a scar and maybe even his eye. He'll have to lose an eye, and cut a love. Helena's prophecy came true. My thoughts were cut off by a stabbing pain as the maester stitched me. I belted out a scream which silenced everyone one. And still mother had not come over. But someone did.

Alicent grabbed my hand and told me to squeeze so I could distract from the pain. She rubbed my hair on the unmarked side to soothe me. I opened an eye to look at her and saw my mother unmoved in her spot. Looking at Alicent with resentment.

"Get away from my daughter, you and your snakes will not trap her." She shouted and Alicent shot uo infront of me.

"I'm only comforting her. Something you'll only do for your sons, it seems." They went on arguing but my face was in so much pain my ears were ringing. I made out snippets. Alicent had drawn grandsires' knife when he tried to dismiss the whole thing, saying it was unnecessary and an apology will be in order from both sides. Alicent wouldn't have it though, she grabbed the knife and lunged at my mother. The maester finished me up as they scuffled.

"You've gone to far." I could barely make out from my mother. It quieted down a bit so I could coherently hear the rest of the words uttered by them both.

"I? What have I done but what is expected of me?" Alicent had the knife in the air being held back by Rhaenyra. "Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout to do all as you please." Alicents voice was shaking and I could tell this wasn't only about Aemonds eye.

"Alicent, let her go!" The king demanded.

Alicent ignored him continuing, "Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again." Mother looked unfazed.

"Release the blade Alicent" the hand stated.

"Now you take my sons eye, and to even that you feel entitled. You haven't even once checked up on your daughter either." Alicent ignored all pleas to back away, hellbent on making her point.

"Exhausting wasn't it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness," for the first time my mother spoke, "but now they see you as you are."

That set something off in Alicent as she brought the blade down, slicing Rhaenyra's arm in the process. Mother stumbled back into lord Corlys' arms as blood dropped from her exposed skin. Everyone was so silent you could hear it pooling on the ground. Alicent dropped the blade as they all stared at what had just happened. Aemond rises to his feet with me following.

Mother looks at us both, "Do not mourn me mother, it was a fair exchange." Aemond stated. Making Alicent let out a shaky breath. "I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon."

It was silent until grandsire spoke, "This proceeding is at an end." Everyone shuffled out of the room as Alicent walked over to me and Aemond.

"Are you alright, my loves?" She concernedly asked, "Perhaps more milk of the poppy will help you both sleep." She didn't wait for us to reply and walked us to her chambers. I was to stay with her for the night as I didn't want to go back to my mother. When Aemond left we crawled into her bed, both laying on our respective sides.

"Goodnight my sweet angel." She soothed lovingly kissing my head as I drifted off. When she thought I was asleep she muttered, "Oh how I wish you were born to me." And then drifted into her own slumber.

At some point in the night I woke up sweating from a dream. I can't remember it but the feeling was terrifying, I instinctively moved over to Alicents side and she immediately cradled me to sooth my shaky breaths. I slowly fell back asleep comforted by someone I wished to the gods was my mother.

A/n: Here you go I hope y'all like it if I made any mistake with dialogue please correct me. This is what I imagine the scar as

 This is what I imagine the scar as

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Just the one beside the eyebrow. It's the closest I could find to what I'm envisioning so it'll have to do for now. It's a lot smaller than Aemonds and I imagine it'll heal to be less visible. Which Syra will be very guilty of in later chapters. Also y'all met Meagor, tho not officially. He isn't quite as old as his face claim but just imagine a younger version lol. Anyways, I'll leave you at that lol
Word count: 1000

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