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Dragonstone, Summer 129 AC

Syra's POV

It was dusk when I escaped from the confines of my chambers. Like Kings Landing, Dragonstone has a maze of tunnels all around. I usually take them to the kitchen or library but tonight I had other plans.

Since Winterfell I have been having dreams of fire, it's eating me alive not knowing if the tale is true. The Unburnt, immune to the fires of dragons, tamer of beasts' beyond this world. Tonight, I'm either going to make the dumbest decision of my life, or I'm going to go down in the history books for being mad.

Either way I have to figure this out.
As I approached my dragons it seemed like Cannibal knew what I was thinking, Starflame was nudging me back towards the castle. They didn't want me to do something like this, but I need to.

There's this voice telling me You are the fire. Be the fire. And call me mad but I believe it. I shoo Starflame away since he keeps pushing me, and stand in-front of Cannibal. I knew he'd do it if I commanded, whereas Starflame will deny me. Starflame listened to every command but this wasn't a command it was a death sentence, if it doesn't work.

I take a deep breath and take off my cloak putting it to the side, if I make it out alive my clothes will be ash and I'll need to be covered before returning to the castle. I look around to make sure I'm alone and not being spied on, once it's clear I return to my position in-front of Cannibal.

"Dracarys!" I yelled and shut my eyes as I saw Cannibal's mouth open and flames fly.

I didn't feel burning, no pain or discomfort, just warmth. It felt like a giant cloak of heat was on me, covering my entire body with its warmth. Cannibal seized his fire and began backing away, as he did Starflame struck his body with his tail, they looked at each other angry and then to where my ashes should be.

But instead, I stood alive and well. Well naked but, alive nonetheless. I shuffled to my cloak and wrapped it over my shoulders suddenly feeling the coldness that took over after the heat of the flame dissipated. I turned to walk back to the castle after apologizing to my babies, they will be mad for a bit but I'll take them hunting soon.

I stopped dead in my track as a figure stood in my way, Meagor, with his mouth wide open and his eyes watering. He looked shocked and scared. "Mea, don't be afraid I'm okay." I tried to calm him down but at my voice he erupted.

"SYRA! What the fuck did I just witness? You should be dead! Are you stupid?" He started shaking my shoulders trying to get it through my head. I understand why he's reacting like this.

"I mean it was fifty fifty, so I guess I'm only half stupid." He let out a scoff in pure anger and confusion. I didn't wait for him to respond and just walked past him. I didn't have time to waste explaining it to him, I had to get back to my chambers and write to Aemond. We haven't spoken in moons. I've written but he hasn't seemed to have gotten them, or maybe he's busy with his own things.

Maybe we're getting too old to write like children anymore. I don't care if it's childish, I can't wait to tell him what I just did. It felt like claiming Cannibal all over again. The only person I want to tell is Aemond, I always want him to be the first person I turn to. I get to my chamber, bathe and change, and sit to write.


You haven't responded to my last two letters, I'm sure you're quite busy with court. But this is something you must hear. I was reading, like always, and saw something interesting.

The Unburnt, I remember mentioning it to you while I was in Winterfell, it's about being immune to dragon fire. Only the truest dragon can withstand it. So I decided to see if it was true, and obviously it was or else I wouldn't be able to write this to you.

I know I'm very stupid, but it worked. Starflame wouldn't do it, so Cannibal was forced to. They are both very mad at me but they will be okay once they see I'm fine and they get a few goats each.


Another chapter today, forgot I never pursued the Unburnt theory so here's that. Why isn't Aemond writing back to Syra? Where the hell is Cregan? And when the heck are we going to Kings Landing? Yea, I don't really know either. But I'll figure it all outttt! Anywhooo see ya!

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