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Kings Landing, 130 AC

   We all were ushered into the throne room, the hearing was about to start and I could sense Luke's anxiety. I held his hand as we stood at the front and waited for the King to arrive. He never did. Instead, Otto was sitting on the Iron Throne acting as if he was the king.

He spoke, "Though it is the great hope of this court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survive his wounds, we gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark." He started, "As Hand, I speak with the King's voice on this and all other matters. The Crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon."

Vaemond cleared his throat and stepped forward. He looked cocky and entitled, like he knew he was going to be sided with. "My queen. My lord Hand. The history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria. For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas. When the Doom fell on Valyria, our houses became the last of their kind. Our forebearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name. I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother's seat. I am Lord Corlys's closest kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins."

He went on and on but I tuned him out, his voice was giving me and ache in my temple.

Rheanyra interrupted him, "As it does in my children, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon. If you cared so much about your house's blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition."

"You will have chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra. Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard." Alicent cut mother off from speaking and allowed Vaemomd to continue.

But what she said riled him up, "What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess?" Oh no. This isn't going to end well, especially with the look on Daemons face. "I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn't recognize it. This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours."

He looked away from my mother and towards the hand. "My queen, my lord Hand. This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all. I humbly put myself before you as my brother's successor... the Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides."

Of course he'd put himself up, he only wanted power. And these idiots were eating him up.

"Thank you, Ser Vaemond." The Queen responded. I hated how nice she was to him.

The hand cut in, "Princess Rhaenyra, you may now speak for your son, Lucerys Velaryon"

Rheanyra started, "If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very..." she was cut off by the doors opening.

"King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." A guard announces. Grandsire shuffles in slowly using a cane.

I hadn't seen him since arriving and I'm shocked. I audibly gasp and looked towards the front trying to distract myself. I lock eyes with Aemond and he gives me a sad smile. I was always closer with Viserys then any of the other children, he would tell me stories and show me his model of old Valyria.

I think Aemond envied the relationship we had but he never voiced it, I always felt bad when Viserys would brush his three younger kids off for his first daughters children. By the time Viserys made his way to the steps of the throne he was out of breath, shaking and hunched over. His crown fell.

He started to fall and then Daemon walked over, "I said I'm fine." He attempted to shout but it was weak. When he looked up and realized it was Daemon he backed down from refusing. Daemon sat him upon the throne and placed the crown back upon his head.

"I must.. admit.. my confusion." He took a moment to collect himself and seemed to breath better while sitting. "I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present... who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys's wishes is the Princess Rhaenys."

Rhaenys stepped forward, "Indeed, Your Grace. It was ever my husband's will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son... Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him. As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys's granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree."

I looked towards Luke and Jace and they seemed content with the proposal. "Well... the matter is settled. Again. I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides." The king stated before wheezing.

Vaemomd did not look happy with this, "You break law... and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me... who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it." He seethed.

"Allow it? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond." The king warned.

"Those boys are no true Velaryon, her maybe," he said pointing to me, "But them, they are no nephews of mine."

"Go to your chambers" mother spoke to us. None of us listened, however.

"Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you... are no more than the second son of Driftmark."

"You... may run your house as you see fit... but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned... I will not see it ended on the account of this..." Vaemond paused.

"Say it." Daemon was waiting for a reason to kill him. He looked down to me and I nodded me head.

"Her children.. are bastards!" Daemon slowly drew my sword from its place, it was quieter then him taking out his own. "And she is.. a whore!!"

Daemon slipped behind him, "I will have your tongue,"the king started raising up and grabbing his dagger. Daemon beat him to it and sliced his head right off, above his tongue keeping it intact, splashing blood onto my cheek since I had walked closer.

"He can keep his tongue."

"Disarm him" the hand shouted.

"No need" the king collapsed as daemon returned my sword to me. I looked up and made eye contact again with Aemond. He held a smirk on his face as he saw me holding a sword with blood on my face. I rolled my eyes at him and walked away. "I don't see anything special about his mighty blood." I chuckled.

I think this is the most dialogue I've done in one chapter so far. It was a lot and I was going to try and have both this scene and the dinner in one chapter but it'll be far too long. So this is part one I guess. Hope you enjoyed.
Word count 1200

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