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   Ever since she was born, Syra has been drawn to the sky. Her dragon, Starflame, was an onyx black color with shimmers of purple and had striking purple eyes. Syra, since she could remember has dreamt of riding him. Seeing her future self riding Starflame when she was big enough, but it'd be awhile until then. So she had to wait, but she could visit him whenever and train him to obey her. It wasn't hard at all though.

The bond they had was like a magnet, ever since they locked eyes they were inseparable. When he outgrew her crib, around the same time Syra moved to a real bed, he was taken to the pit. But Syra would visit him every morning on her walks with her mother before lessons.

Syra's days were always very busy, ever since she turned five she was pushed into more lessons so her days were packed. In the mornings she'd break fast with her mother and brothers, then she'd walk with her mom and visit Starflame, after that she headed to the septa with Helena for lessons where they were now focusing on embroidering and reading, nothing interesting though. Atleast not what Syra had an interest in.

Then it was lunch time, followed by valaryian lessons which she just started with her uncle Aemond, then she'd watch the boys train with her grandsire when he's able, if not she'd sit with the queen and talk about jewels and gowns.

Today however, her grandsire was out watching, which meant she'd see the boys train and get to hear stories from her grandsire. He always told her of his rule and those before him and, her favorite stories, those of her uncle Daemons life. Daemon was always someone Syra looked up to, the stories of his life felt like the closest she'd ever get to knowing him so she craved them.

Watching the boys train was also the closest she'd get to doing it herself. So, everytime she watched her brothers train with her uncles she was on the edge of her seat. She'd tune out her grandsires mindless blabbling about King Jaehaerys' rule and focused on the clanking of wooden swords down below. They weren't doing much, but they were doing more then Syra.

With Aegon being the oldest he was the most experienced but he seemed so bored. How could someone who got the chance to wield a sword, even wooden, be bored? It baffled Syra. I mean he was only ten but even at seven Aemond looked ecstatic to hold a wooden sword.

Speaking of Aemond, Syra always found herself looking at Aemond while watching training. It felt like she was drawn to him, even the way he stumbles a bit was fascinating to her. She was pretty close to him especially when he would talk about his studies of history of wars and old Valyria, she'd quiz him for hours when she had the chance. She was glad he was so enthusiastic to talk to someone about it as well.

After training she had some free time so she walked to the pits to visit her baby. That's what she called Starflame, which confused her mother. Everytime she called him that her mother would correct her and say mount but it never changed Syra's mind that, that was her child. She felt so overcome with a sense of pride when she saw him, even in his small size of around a young mare she was mesmerized by her dragon.

A/n: I'll start doing Syra's POV since she's growing up. I just think third person is better to explain things when she's young still. Anways here's the chapter :)

 Anways here's the chapter :)

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Syra's young aesthetic. For older her (around six to 12 I think)
Also words for the chapter is around 600 btw.

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