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Kings Landing, Spring 129AC

Aemond's POV

The days are blurred together with lessons and training, and the lack of a presence I so deeply desire. It's been 4 years since I'd last seen my Syra, and I pray to the gods everyday to be reunited with her.

We write as much as we can, but it is not enough, I want to be with her. To see her face everyday, I try and imagine if she's changed and how she'd look once I see her again. Is she tall? Is she still that intellectual girl I remember?

I mean she's not a girl, but a woman grown now. Does she look like a woman, filled out and mature? Does she act like a woman? Does she catch the eye of men? Has she been kissed before? Is she betrothed? Millions of questions flood my brain as I get dressed each morning.

I haven't admitted this to anyone but I fear I'm falling for my niece. When we were children she was the only one by my side, defending me from our brothers. Promising me I'd have a dragon and being there when I claimed one. It's hard to see where it went from friendship to love but now that it's exposed itself, I fear there's no returning to normality.

Dragonstone, Autumn 129 AC
Syra's POV

I awake to a knock on my door, then enters Sandra. She's been very quiet as of late and I fear her and Meagor are on the rocks. She sets down a tray of food on my lap and beckons in the guard outside my door. He carries in a large chest with a note on top of it. "For your nameday, princess. From the prince Aemond."

At his words I smile brightly. I've missed Aemond so much these past 4 years and was starting to forget his face, even though it's most likely changed over the years. I tried to draw him as I remember but each time it gets more and more morphed into someone I don't know. I finish eating and advance toward the chest.

I start with the note; my dearest Veasyra, I hope you enjoy the gift I've given you. I received yours earlier this morning and cannot believe the trouble you went through for me. I miss you so much and want more than anything to spend this nameday together, I'm glad I get to be reminded of you whenever I see your gift. And I'm glad we get to share this nameday, even far apart you're in my heart.
Yours, Aemond.

It was so heartwarming I almost cried, I blinked away the unshed tears and looked down at my necklace. It was Valyrian steel and had a sapphire in the middle, to match the dagger I had made for Aemond as his nameday gift. We both loved sapphires and I knew he'd love it, even more once he finds out I have the matching necklace.

Coming back to reality I open the chest, inside is an amazingly crafted dress, neatly folded along with books and scrolls from the library back at Kings Landing. Oh how he knows me so well. There's nothing I love more than reading, and from the looks of it he picked things I've never read before too. The Rise of the Dragons. Valyria Folklore. Dark Magic in Relation to Old Valyria. Blood Magic and Dragonfyre.

All of them sounded so interesting and I couldn't figure out which one to read first. I set those aside and stared at the dress. It was a striking red and was made so that I could wear pants underneath, perfect for riding and training. But I wouldn't wear it until I knew I'd see Aemond again. I wanted it to be for a special occasion and it will be. I just had to wait and soemthing would bring us back together, I know it will.

 I just had to wait and soemthing would bring us back together, I know it will

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A/n: I'm sorry it's been a minute and this chapter is short, I've been doing things over spring break and I'm kinda lost on what to do with this book

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A/n: I'm sorry it's been a minute and this chapter is short, I've been doing things over spring break and I'm kinda lost on what to do with this book. I feel like I'm rushing through the year gap but I just have no plots for in between. Above, is Aemond dagger , which isn't completely what I envision but it's close enough, and Syra's matching necklace. If you can imagine the dagger to look more like the necklace if that make sense lol. Also for clarification, Aemond and Syra are both born in the same month but a few years apart. Anywayss that's all for now.
Word count: 700

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