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The morning after the chaos was surreal. I was rushed from Alicents chambers into my mothers. She said there was important news to be discussed. As I entered I saw daemon and that mysterious boy along with Baela and Rhaena. They all looked at me with pity at the fresh wound on my temple. I had yet to see my brothers who were probably still asleep or elsewhere.

"Come child, there's much to discuss." My mother beckoned me over. When I sat down beside her I left much room, I still have yet to be comforted by her for the pain I had suffered. She hasn't even acknowledged it. "Me and daemon were wed lastnight. We shall depart for dragonstone before noon." She simply stated.

My mouth opened, searching for something to say. As I was being comforted by Alicent she was being wed to my real father. Not even giving me a second glance, only focused on herself. "The whole of our family shall reside there, you and your brothers, along with maegor and the twins." Maegor, that must be the boy by daemon, I looked over at him and he nodded confirming his name.

"So, we're not to return to kings landing? What about my studies, my friends?" Aemond? That's what I was really worried about. What if I never saw Aemond again.

"That's no longer our home. We're not safe there." She stated, "You will be able to say your goodbyes to those you wish." She tried to sound sympathetic but I could tell she couldn't care less.

I got up to walk out only to be stopped by Daemon, "Maegor will accompany you to ensure your safety." He sounded like a commander in his tone but his look was one of compassion.

I walked into Aemonds chambers with Maegor staying outside with Aemonds guard. As I walked up to the bed he stirred awake. "Who's there?" He stuttered. It was quite dark and with only one eye he couldn't make out the figure in front of him. "It's only me." I tried my best to not shed tears but he could hear it in my voice. "What's the matter?Why are you crying?" He sat upright in his bed trying to get a better look at me.

"Mother told me we're to leave for dragonstone by midday. Her and Daemon have wed. I've come to say goodbyes." I sniffled back tears. This was probably the last time I'd see Aemond for years. I didn't want to say goodbye. I tried to remember him as the sweet boy who had just claimed an amazing beast. Not the scarred boy he'd be looked at from here on out. Aemond didn't speak for a moment taking in that I was leaving, his face turned from sad to angry.

"You can't! Not with all of them. Not away from me." He was frustrated. I didn't want this to be the way we left eachother. "We'll see eachother again. I'll never stop writing and we can visit eachother. We both have dragons now we can work this out Ae." I was holding his hand trying to soothe the anger radiating off of him. He calmed a bit at my words but I don't think anything will fully extinguish the fury he's feeling.

"I will miss you everyday. I'll look for you in all the beautiful flowers of the garden, in the stars at night, in the rays of the sun. I will never forget you Vaesyra." His words brought the tears back. I couldn't hold them back any longer. I cried into his chest and he smoothed my hair down trying to calm me.

I finally regained composure and kissed his forehead. I didn't know what else to do, words couldn't convey what I was feeling. I wasn't going to say goodbye, this wasn't goodbye. I'd keep his words in my mind repeating them over again until I saw him next. When I left his chambers with red eyes Maegor kneeled in front of me.

"We do not know each other, but you are my sister and I'm sorry this is happening." He pulled me into an embrace that felt much needed. I broke down again in his arms feeling a sense of comfort.

After saying my goodbyes to Helena and Alicent I went back to my chambers and saw my chests already packed and being carried out. When I got inside a set of riding clothes were set out for me and my handmaiden, Alessandra was waiting.

She braided the entirety of my hair into an intricate braid and fastened it into a bun for the dragon ride. If it wasn't up it'd be a tangled mess when I landed. I wanted it down though, to shield the scar that was forming.

I didn't look in the mirror once which saddened Alessandra, she loved doing my hair and always smiled brightly when I was pleased with it. But today I didn't say anything, not even bothering to look at myself.

The ride to Dragonstone was further than the one from Kings Landing to Driftmark. We had to pass Kings Landing on the way which tempted me to break off and land there. But I couldn't. With the way we were riding I was covered on both sides.

Daemon was on Caraxes to my left, Meagor was on his dragon, sheepstealer, to my right. They wouldn't let me out of their sight and if I fell behind, since this was Starflames second voyage, they'd fall back with me. I don't know if I should feel safe or like a prisoner.

A/n: okay so let's go over some thing's. One this is Meagors first interaction with Syra and the introduction of her handmaiden. I would have introduced her earlier but never saw a way until now. They will be seen more in the next few chapters and their presence will shape Syra into her future self.

Meagor and Syra :)) luv their bond to come and can't wait for y'all to see it

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Meagor and Syra :)) luv their bond to come and can't wait for y'all to see it.
Word count: 950

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