Are you ready?

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---James' POV

Today was the day, I've been waiting all week!

Only Pete knows but he knows I can't tell the others just yet so he hasn't mentioned it since.
At every meal I keep looking for Regulus, he doesn't always go to every meal but I'll still always wait to see if he's there. I think Remus noticed this and the fact that I've been a tad more hyper than usual.

It's Friday morning and I just got back from breakfast. Regulus wasn't there and I'm getting nervous about him having second thoughts or being sick. But it's still early!

"Prongs! We're gonna be late and we have Minnie so hurry up."

Oh shit.
"I'm coming Pads just wait a minute!"

But Sirius as always rushes ahead and I run after him, not wanting him to get to class first.

"Ha! I'm still faster than you!"

"Are not! I wasn't ready!"

"Whatever you say quidditch captain"

Rolling my eyes I walk into class and take a seat next at a table with Remus and Peter.

Class went by excruciatingly slow as MacGonnagal made us read through a chapter we skipped over ages ago.
She was a bit upset after we pranked her by trying put new Dungbombs out in her office and she was taking it put on the entire class. But for some reason most people weren't in her class today.
Once Transfiguration was over I only had Herbology then lunch. Then I only had quidditch practice since everyone on the team has a free period.

Classes at Hogwarts are just really weird. All classes have two houses at once and normally only from one year. But in year 5 there are subjects that you can choose from that aren't all that important and those are then completely mixed. Herbology was one of them and I only knew Pete there. There are a few 7th years there and a ton of 6th years.
Sirius and Remus were taking History of Magic together instead but I still don't understand why, it's normally really boring and you're guaranteed to get a ton of homework.

But I guess it made them happy.


The day was going by so slowly, I wasn't even concentrated during practice.

After practice was over I rushed to the dorms to shower and get ready. I needed to look my best.

Remus had some prefect thing and Sirius decided to go with him, still annoyed I made him go to practice during a free period. But Peter stayed with me and helped me get ready. Well tried to.

"It's not funny!"

"James how often have you tried fixing your hair now? 8 times?"

"It needs to look more puffy!"

"You're worse than Sirius."

"I am not!"

I had about 15 minutes till dinner and only needed to decide which shirt to put on.


"No they don't silly. This one is black and the other is grayish-black."

Peter was squinting, trying to see the difference. Blind bat.

I was wearing my good pair of jeans that had a bunch of embroidery on it that I did with my mum and my favourite pair of converse which were obviously red. After picking the black t-shirt, I picked my favourite green flannel and was looking amazing.

"Those colours do not go together at all."

"Yes they do."

"Are you going to tell me what you have planned?"

"No! It's a surprise."

"You do know I'm not the one going on a date with you right."

"Well yeah but you'll give it away."

Before leaving our dorm I grabbed something from my drawers and we made our way to the great Hall.

"James stop fidgeting! You're making the entire table move."

"Sorry Moony"

"You have way too much energy today. And you're wearing your good flannel. What are you up to?"

"Well I forgot to tell you guys but I'm sort of going out with someone today."

Sirius hit himself in the chest more dramatically than usual and leaned back sighing.
"Prongies why oh why did I just hear about this? I could have fixed your hair!"

"I thought my hair looked fine"
I said puffing it up just a bit more.

"So who did you trick into going on a date with you?"

"I don't think you'd know them. They're new. And really shy."

"That's not suspicious at all... You did ask them when they were fully conscious and all right?"

"Moony! Of course I did."

"Marlene could have helped.."
Sirius went on, still doing some dramatic pose.

When they finally shut up I looked up I finally saw him. At lunch I sat with the other quidditch members and didn't have a chance to steal a glance. But I did see him enter, I waved but he just stuck his middle finger out. It made me laugh and the others thought I was just going crazy.

Now he was sat facing me from the slytherin table but wasn't looking up. After a few more seconds he looked up and rolled his eyes. He couldn't fool me though, I saw his small smile he was trying to hide.

Dinner wasn't over yet, but I saw he was finished eating and I was too excited. So I started getting up, trying to see if he'd catch on.

Remus and Sirus were too caught up in their conversation to notice me.

"James stop that you look like you're about to take a shit"
Peter said a bit too loudly.

"I do not!"
I guess I kind of did, I was hovering over the bench and I kept trying to see if Regulus was looking up, not sure if I should get up or not.

"James just get up!"

"okay okay no need to yell."

"You sure you're ready?"

I laughed not knowing if he was being serious or not and started making my way towards the doors.

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