Planning a party

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Time flew by and it was suddenly March time, right before James' birthday.

Things between the marauders were still slightly awkward, Sirius had constant mood swings and seemed to be angry at everyone and James was just spending more and more time with Regulus. He of course didn't mind this but he hated thinking that he was the reason for all this.

But now James had met Pandora properly and he now knew Barty and Evan quite well too. It was odd seeing them all hang out together which didn't seem to happen too often. Barty and Evan seemed to be distancing themselves just a bit from Regulus and he didn't know why. He made a mental note to actually talk to them about it before making assumptions, he just had too much to think about already. But Pandora and James were becoming great friends after he survived Pandoras' very threatening and detailed lecture of course.

Now Regulus was obviously concerned about his boyfriends birthday. James had talked about how much he loved birthday celebrations before but Regulus wanted this one to be special. He was turning sixteen after all and it was the first birthday he would celebrate with Regulus as his boyfriend. 
But James was constantly around him making it impossible to plan any type of surprise.

"James love don't you have quidditch practice?"
They were sat in the library together since James insisted on going with Regulus.

"I still have some time before that. Not trying to get rid of me are you?"

Regulus stared at him trying to think of what to say. He loved being around James, he really did. But how was he supposed to plan anything for his birthday with him constantly around?

"You can work on the new fitness routine you wanted the team to start."
Just leave Regulus thought.
He tried to smile but he didn't, why was he always so terrible with facial expressions?

"Do you want me to leave?"

Not only was he terrible with his own facial expressions, the younger black brother also had difficulty with other peoples. Right now he couldn't tell if James was upset or understanding or anything else and it worried him. How would he know when he messed up?

"Reggie you don't have to over think this stuff. I know I get a bit much and you deserve you're own space. You just need to say the word and I'll do it love."

Of course James Potter understood Regulus. He knew how just a bit of reassurance helped immensely.

"You don't mind leaving?"

"Anything for you. No questions asked."

Just looking up and seeing the soft smile and his boyfriends face even he knew how serious James was.

"It's adorable seeing you get nervous you know. Normally you're the one who-"

"I get it Potter, moving on. You're heading to quidditch then?"

He laughed softly "It seems so yes."
Getting up he kissed his boyfriend on his cheek and started to leave.

Regulus had a sneaky suspicion that he knew exactly what he was trying to plan. So now the pressure was on.

Once he knew James was gone he speed walked to Pandoras favourite tree. She would know how to help.


She climbed down from her spot and they sat next to each other on the ground.

"I need some help Dory. His birthday is soon."

"His sixteenth right?"

Regulus didn't really feel weird about their ages, he would be turning fifth teen in two months and he somehow liked that James was a year above him. But Pandora would still tease him for it every now and again.

"You know it is. But this is important. He wants a party doesn't he?"
He didn't want to plan something dull or do too much and scare James away.

"You're the one dating him! But yes probably."

"How can he even enjoy such tedious things?"

"Didn't you start dating because of a party?"

"Well that party was boring after an hour. James' birthday party has to be perfect."

"Reggie do you think the other marauders are going to plan something too?"

Crap. He hadn't thought of that.

"Well I'll be leaving the party part to them then. But I still need to do something special."

"Maybe you should ask Remus or Peter. Then you could all plan something together and I bet you could become friends too!"

Regulus loved her optimism. She always saw the absolute best in everyone, which is why she got along so well with James. But he couldn't be even more involved with more marauders things.

"Maybe next time. But I think I know how I could still do something special for him. Which you inspired so thank you Pandora."

He hugged her and headed back to his dorm. Hopefully things would work out.


"He definitely wants a party."

Remus wanted to start planning James' birthday now that his was over with. Even if the marauders were going through an awkward phase they always got together on each others birthdays.

Since James wasn't around as often it was a lot easier to plan for his birthday. Even if Sirius avoided talking about him most of the time.

"So we just need music, alcohol and people right?"

The marauders themselves only threw parties for their friends birthdays. Other gryffindor parties were planned by either half the house or the quidditch team. But the marauders parties were by far the best having always added a special element.

"That sounds a bit basic doesn't it?" Remus said to Peter. Sirius stayed silent.

"What about a really big obnoxious cake? We can plan some games and have quidditch themed decorations. Maybe small pranks during the party."

"And then a good prank in his honour. James could then do the last step."

"Moony that's not bad. We haven't done a prank in ages. I can take care of the decorations and alcohol, music can be done with a charm and who's doing the cake?"

"I'll do it with Marlene maybe, she's a good baker. Sirius what do you think?"

"That sounds fine."

"It's gonna be a surprise, can't forget to tell the others about that part."

"I'll take care of the guest list." Sirius said,

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