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"This is getting ridiculous."

"I'm with Moony on this one.."

Sirius stared up at Pete, ready to throw his last precious pancake right at his face.

"Would you shut it?"

James just looked down in shame.

"Sirius I think you're overthinking this.."

"Peter..." Sirius was getting even more frustrated.

Remus as always felt useless. It had been a few days since James and Sirius made up and they were already at it again.

"Sirius, he's my boyfriend. What's so wrong with that?"

"You're being selfish."

James finally told Sirius the truth, the full, complete, hurtful truth. About his relationship with his Reggie. He told him that they wanted to label their relationship properly, that they wanted people to see and that he was falling in love.

Sirius didn't see this as a sweet James Potter thing, he was terrified. Kind of dating his brother was bearable, he was happy for them, he admitted he was wrong. But going public? Risking everything? And for what? James' next dramatic rejection and his brothers final push to his par-

"Sirius please-"

"No James. I was really happy for you both. But this is dangerous and reckless, even by my standards. My mother will find out quickly enough and...James I can't lose both of my brothers."

"We're careful, she won't find out. I will always protect Regulus, and you! You're not losing either of us!"

"I don't want to see you hurt. Or him..."

Remus would have been embarrassed of having such a private matter discussed during mealtime since the whole gryffindor tower was listening in. But this had become a regular thing. He understood James, he wanted something real. Something to hold on to, to trust. Even with all the risks. What unregistered werewolf with a bunch of animagus friends wouldn't? And making his kind of relationship real was what made James feel safe.
But Sirius was worried, maybe slightly angry too. But he did want the best for his brother, didn't he?

Seeing as breakfast wasn't going to get any better, he pulled Sirius up gently by his arm.

"Come on love, you'll have time to discuss this after classes." He whispered softly, hoping this would help calm him momentarily.
And it did, just slightly. Sirius looked up at Remus with tears daring to fall down his pale cheeks. Without saying a word Remus and Sirius left.

Regulus watched the whole ordeal. Maybe it was time to talk to his brother one more time. But now he was more worried about James. His James. He looked knackered and sad. Why couldn't things be easier?

It was all a mess. James looked up to see Regulus staring at him, he tried to smile but that felt like lying.

"Do you want to go talk to him?"

"You don't mind me leaving you here right?"

"Go prongs!"

"Thanks Pete." James said with a small smile. Sometimes it felt like Peter was the only uncomplicated friendship he had, he never chose sides and his relationships never effected the group. And he was supportive of all his friends, James felt lucky to have him.

He got up from the gryffindor table and started walking to the slytherin table. He could feel people start to stare, but when had that ever bothered him?
It wasn't too weird for people to be friends with others in different houses but it was quite a sight to see James Potter walk to Regulus Black. It was early so the hall wasn't that full and there were very few slytherins to observe this new couple coming out.

Regulus was tired and moody just like any morning. And hearing his brother so upset didn't help at all, especially as it was aimed at James. But somehow when he was walking over it was like that never happened. Just a second ago he could barely look over and now that all seemed to be forgotten.

"Good morning my sunshine." He said having finally reached the table and slowly sitting down next to him.
"Where are Evan and Barty?"

"Don't call me sunshine Potter. And Barty is on a morning fly and I'm assuming Evans watching." Regulus replied, looking up from his warm cereal. It was odd being so close to James with everyone watching but James couldn't stop watching him.

"I missed you."
The overly energetic gryffindor put his head right on his shoulder, making sure to still be looking at his face and took his hand into his own.

"We saw each other at dinner, that wasn't too long ago." He wasn't going to show James the true effect of his words and tried to go back to eating.

"And you definitely missed me too, I can sense it."

"Sure you can Bambi."

"Bambi eh? That's a new one."

Regulus secretly loved trying out new nicknames on James, he knew how special they made him feel. And it could be entertaining at times.

"Well you have longs legs and are clumsy, very fitting." But of course that came out with a smile.

"I might have to agree with you there. Do you think you can bare having these long legs spending another night in your dorm?"

For a while now James had been spending more time in Reggie's dorm than in his own. It was scary seeing him separating himself from Sirius, they were always so disgustingly close all the time. But Regulus didn't mind having James to himself even if it was just temporary.
Was it just the Sirius thing?

"You're not just asking to avoid another argument with him are you?"

James sighed. Things weren't easy at the moment and he didn't know how to fix it. So he thought ignoring it might to the trick, at least for now.
"Of course not, but I really can't be around him right now. Anyways Evan promised to paint my nails properly next time I stayed over."

This caused Regulus to jokingly roll his eyes. They definitely needed to work through his Sirius problem at some point. But at least he had his James by his side.

Calamitous Love - jegulusWhere stories live. Discover now