The Potters

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Christmas went by in a blur. They all stayed at Hogwarts, Regulus using the excuse that he wanted to stay with Barty and Evan.

Even if the two groups weren't exactly friends anymore they still sat together in the great hall and had Christmas dinner together. Regulus finally stopped pushing Pandora away, so she joined too. It was nice, no drama, no talk of deatheaters, no one disappearing. But of course this wouldn't last.

Once all the over students returned in January, all the tension returned and the two groups wouldn't dare spend even a minute together. It completely confused James, he loved Regulus, he loved Sirius and Remus and he was becoming friends with Barty and Evan, why couldn't they all hang out together?

Regulus tried distancing himself, but every time James just got him to go on a date with him instead.
And though Regulus wanted to go on dates and be with James he kept thinking about what awaited him in the summer.

When Remus' birthday was right around the corner, Remus begged James not to make a big fuss. But ever since they heard about Voldemort rising and deatheater attacks, James wanted to celebrate his friend. And they did.

This party was the first happy thing for a while. All houses were there and they were happy. They repeated it for James' birthday. He didn't receive any letters from his parents since Christmas and he was getting worried.  But the painting Regulus made him for his birthday was more than he could ever want, so it wasn't all bad to him.

It was weird. James Potter was 17 dating a 15 year old. Which of course he was teased for.

But now that he was 17 he thought he'd feel wiser, but he didn't. He was spending more and more time in Mcgonnagals office as she was the only one who who knew about his parents sudden coldness towards him.

But he didn't know that Regulus noticed he was a little down.  Whenever they were together, he pretended to be fine, he didn't want to go look like he was complaining about anything.

"James talk to me."

They were both cuddling in the slytherin dorm and James was on the verge of tears, though he thought Regulus wouldn't notice.

He sat up, "what do you mean?" His eyes widened, thinking of the worst.

"Something's wrong and I want you to tell me."

"I'm alright I'm just tired."

"James....You spent months worrying about me and Sirius, you gave up being quidditch captain. You haven't spoken to your parents and don't lie because I know you usually send letters practically weekly! It's okay for you to be upset but please tell me about it."
Regulus wanted to support his boyfriend. Even if he likes to pretend that nothing bad ever happens to him, everyone needs care and support and who deserves it more than James Potter?

"Well I always worry about the people I love! And Marlene is captain now, she deserves it. But you're right, I think my parents are being controlled by Moody."


"Not sure but they're distant and when you left and when it came to getting Sirius back, they didn't try looking for him..they usually do more. And it all started ever since Moody came."

Sure. Regulus thought, they didn't do anything because of Moody.

But he believed James.

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