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----James' POV

"I'm here"

He may try to look annoyed but he's failing miserably.

"So what have you planned for us then?"

"Just follow me"

And he did. I was incredibly nervous to mess this up before we even started anything but I wasn't going to let that show.

I took him to the quidditch pitch and I had two brooms ready for us.

"What are we doing?"

"Well I want to show you my favourite secret spot.."

"And the brooms?"

"It's kind of high up and I wasn't sure if you were comfortable sharing a broom or not and-"

"Slow down. I'm excited to see it and I don't mind sharing a broom with you."

Slowly I started to calm down and I finally looked at him. He was wearing fance black dress pants and a dark green jumper that fit him perfectly. Somehow he still looked completely casual and was smiling at me. Suddenly I wasn't so nervous anymore.

"Then let's go!" I say finally feeling more confident.

He's sat behind me and I feel him wrap his arms around my waist. We flew over the forbidden forest and reached a lake. We were both laughing and leaned to one side together, our hands reaching the water.

Then we got to this spot by the lake side near the edge of the forest. We were on a hill and from there there was an amazing view of Hogwarts. I had set up a muggle projector, a bunch of fairy lights and a blanket with a picnic basket.

"You know this is kind of impressive"

"Why thank you"
I'm relieved, I was so nervous he'd hate it.

"How did you discover this place?"

"By pure luck, Hagrid did help though."

"What's that thing?"
He said pointing to the projector.

"Oh that's this thing muggles use to watch movies. I'm not completely sure how it works, Mary showed me a while ago."

"So we're watching a movie? which one?"

"Wasn't too sure what you'd prefer. There's two options, Willy wonka and the chocolate factory or carrie"


"It's a bit scary.. "

"Let's watch that one"

"You know Willy wonka has some great songs in it.."

"Scared Potter?"

"Only a bit..."
He chuckled.

"Put the other one on."
He's amazing.

The movie was over and I think he really liked it!

"That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

"I know it's great!"

"Yeah definitely Potter"

"You know you can call me by my first name."
I said with a wink, only after realising how odd that must have looked.


"Was that your first muggle movie?"

He hesitated before answering,
"No Sirius and I used to sneak out and go to some car cinema thing. But Not for a while and never that weird of a movie."

"Was the movie that bad?"

"I guess the green men were kinda cute. And it was fun watching you get excited over all the different sweets."

I couldn't help but blush.
"You look really good in that jumper you know."

"I didn't, thanks", he said with a smile. A bigger one than usual.

For a while we were just laying on the blanket talking about anything and everything. Around him I didn't feel like what I was saying sounded dumb and he seemed to open up more. I've never felt this before.

"You know I've always wondered there Prongs came from"

"It's a really weird story to be honest."

"Do tell."

"You'd never believe me."

"Try me"

"I'm a stag"

And he started laughing harder than I've seen him ever before.

"Sure you are Potter"

"No no I am!"

"Okay I believe you."

I looked at him trying not to laugh again and couldn't help but laugh along.

"I'm an animagi, I'm not supposed to tell anyone and I'm not registered but you have to believe me when I say that there's a good reason behind it."

"Did you do it for Remus?"

"Wait what?"

"I'm not an idiot I know he's a werewolf."

"No you don't, how??"

"Just used some common sense. And I heard my mother say something about it. I havent told anyone and I'm not going to."

"I never thought you would. But yeah we did it for him, so it's easier."

"What's Sirius?"

"A dog"

He laughed again.
"That makes sense. And so do the nicknames."

"How do I become one?"

"It's a long process and- wait why do you want to be one?"

"Please just help me James, there's a good reason behind it."

"How about we start the process tomorrow?"

I didn't know why he wanted to be one but I could imagine. Sirius always said how much easier it was to get away in dog form, how much faster he could run. He felt safer. And I would never force an explanation out of him, maybe he would feel safer or even more connected to Sirius.

Bit this was my chance to give him something he wanted, to spend more time with him. And he called me James for the first time!

"You're too kind for your own good you know."

"I do. Are you getting cold? We can start heading back if you want?"

It wasn't too cold, but it being early October did mean it was going to get dark soon and that it was just a but colder ingeneral.

"Can we wait a bit longer? I like flying when it's darker."

I smiled, "Yeah of course"
Of course he likes the darkness.

After just laying there a bit longer, we headed back and it was quite late. I walked him back to his common room knowing everyone else was probably getting ready for bed.

"Oh I completely forgot!"
I pulled something out of my pocket and used my wand to enlarge them again.
I handed him some flowers I picked this morning that I've been keeping safe in my drawer, using magic to keep them fresh.

"James that's really sweet of you, thank you"
He said blushing.

I was smiling like an idiot ready to turn around to head back to my own common room when suddenly he kissed me on the cheek. He quickly rushed into his common room and I stood there frozen trying to process what happened.

Regulus Black kissed me!

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