The black brothers

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--Regulus' POV

The second I saw that he was done with practice I knew I had to talk to him. Honestly I've never seen someone tale quidditch so seriously, they practised for at least 3 hours.

I can't believe he actually agreed, I guess Evan wasn't completely wrong.
But I couldn't think too much about all that right now.

Tonight's a full moon and I'm getting ready to go to the astronomy tower once the moon goes down.

I get nervous every time, thinking that he may not show up. The only person who knows about our meet ups is Pandora.
She's the absolute sweetest and most understanding person I have ever met. She's in my year and I trust her more than anyone, even more than Barty and Evan.
Somehow she's liked nearly by the entire slytherin house so she hangs out in our common room alot. Though even if she wasn't, I'd never let anyone make her leave. She's a few months older than me and never lets me forget it and loves the most strangest things.
We met in the train first year and she's never left me alone since. She knows I get nervous Sirius won't come, so she walks me there and hides. So if he doesn't show up, she'll be there. But that's never happened and I know she leaves once she sees Sirius arrive.

"There you are!"

"Reggie! You ready to go?"

Pandora was waiting for me in the common room with her long hair done is several braids, showing off her pointy ears that made her look like a cute elf.

She took my hand and we left.

I waited at the astronomy tower. He should be here by now I thought to myself. But just as I was about to get Pandora I heard those loud footsteps I missed.

"Little Nova!"
That was his favourite nickname for me, but only one he used in private.
It's a word used for stars that increase in brightness before returning to its normal state. He says that I'm just like that, that I shine and excel and then I hide in the shadows again. I guess he's right

That was my name for him, as for me he does come from the stars. He's my star, he's constant though not always visible and something that brightens up my darkest nights, so Astral.

He smiled and sat down next to me.

"So what been going on with you Nova?"

"I met someone"

"Oooh tell me who!"

"It's a guy."

"Finally coming to terms with your sexuality I see"

"Oh shut it" I said, though I couldn't help but smile. I knew he'd be supportive.

"Do I know him? Do I need to rough him up a bit?"

"Astral no, you don't know him and you aren't hurting the guy I like."

"So you do really like him then?"

"I'm only going on my second date with him but yes."

"That's amazing Nova."

"Are you dating Remus?"

"What? Where did you get that idea?"

"I may be younger than you but I'm not dumb, I have eyes. You seem to really like him."

"I do.."

Then he layed on the floor going on about his moony. At least it distracted him from asking about James.

We stayed there all morning, it was Thursday and I knew we had to go get ready for class.

"I'm glad we still do this Nova, I promise I'll make more time for you."

I tried to smile, but I knew he wouldn't. He liked to distance himself from everything to do with the Black family and I was still apart of that. I know he still blames me for a lot of it, but he's trying to be better I think.

"See you next month"

He patted me on the head and left.


Now I could completely focus on my next date with James. I needed him to know that I cared about him and this date a lot.

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