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The rest of summer for the Black brothers was different.

Ever since they started at Hogwarts Regulus was worried he'd be left behind, he thought of his brother as selfish and was jealous of the family he gained.
Sirius was always scared to leave his brother, wanting to protect him but also wanting nothing more than to leave. Anything he did, it had to benefit his brother and no matter what was going on Sirius always cared for his brother. Even if he was bad at showing it.

And then Regulus decided to return to grimmauld place, to oblivate Sirius and try to please his parents.

Sirius made it to st mungos and after a few days he left. He wasn't discharged and nobody knew he left, he just couldn't stay there anymore.

When he woke up he couldn't remember anything, with time it was better. All he cared to know was that he couldn't go home.

Nobody saw Sirius for the rest of summer.

And nobody would see the true, happy Sirius for a long time.

Regulus lost all his happiness, not having realised how much he needed Sirius.
He always said he didn't need saving but now he wasn't so sure. Now that he knew nobody was coming to save him.

After spending the summer at home his parents took everything out on him. He just now realised that Sirius was always a punching bag and his parents were always going to take their anger out on someone. Now only Regulus was there.

He knew James had given up on him and that was best. Love was for the weak and would just put more people in danger. James was probably at home with his perfect parents, forgetting all about him. That's what he made himself think. His parents liked to remind him of that too.

He believed Sirius was at James', he believed that Sirius was safe and happy and finally free. He was happy for his brother but at times when he was sat alone in front of Sirius' door he hoped that maybe he's waiting for him in there.

School was starting up again tomorrow and he already dreaded seeing them all on the train. He knew they wouldn't accept him anymore. Not after all the things he did that summer.

At the potters place, things were tense which had never been the case before. James started to slowly build a little resentment towards his parents and just in general towards the good side. He tried to get them to help save the two people he loved but nobody wanted to. His parents kept consulting Dumbledore who said it was best to let them go, his parents tried arguing for a while, especially Euphemia. But one afternoon after a meeting with Dumbledore they were convinced this was for the best.

Remus was an absolute mess. He had new scars everywhere and James could only hope they were from the full moon. He tried talking to him but Remus pushed him away and snapped at him.

James felt alone. He was supposed to take care of everyone just look at what a shitty job he was doing.

Slowly James Potter, the happiest, most obnoxious Gryffindor lost hope. He grew angry.

Sixth year would be interesting to say the least.

On the 1st of September James and Remus were sat on the train. Nobody took them to the station and they couldn't find Peter either.

Regulus was taken by his mother who whispered some final reminders in his ear.
"Nobody will ever help you once they know what you did. Especially not that Potter Boy."

He kept his tears in, having learnt what happens when you cry in front of the Blacks.

He got on the train, making sure to avoid anyone he knew. This was his fifth year and he was dreading it.

He sat alone in a small compartment hoping that Barty and Evan would find him and that he wouldn't be so alone.
But they didn't.

Normally the sorting ceremony was great fun for James but not after he realised he couldn't see Sirius.

He ran to Dumbledore and tried to argue with him but all he said was that they'd talk after the ceremony.

He looked for Regulus and when he saw him his heart broke. Regulus refused to meet his eyes.

Once people started heading for their dorms James ran after Regulus but he was too quick and he lost him in the crowd. So he ran back to the Great Hall to find Dumbledore who said he couldn't do anything, he wouldn't even let James say anything.

Their dorm was quiet.

"Why are you two so quiet?"

"Why do you think Peter?" Remus said angrily.

"Oh right..Sirius isn't here."

"Pete where we're you this summer?" James asked as nicely as he could.

"Just at Home. My parents didn't want me going anywhere with all the Death eater business."

James couldn't be patient and nice anymore. He lost Regulus, he had no clue where Sirius was, his parents were closed off towards him, Remus wouldn't even talk to him. And all Peter did was stay home? Was he not worried?

"And you didn't think to respond to any of the owls I sent you? I walked to grimmauld place. I went anywhere I could just hoping that maybe they'd be there. I argued with my parents! With Moody! And all you did was stay home?" He was angry and you could hear it clearly in his voice. He didn't care if he made sense or if he was being mean, he lost a huge part of himself and he needed to get it back.

"What did you expect me to do James? Put myself in danger?"

"Yes! Well no but- Peter how could you sleep knowing he was gone?"

"Didn't Moody say he went willingly?"

Remus stormed out without a word. In that moment James realised that if anyone was to save the people he loved, he'd have to do it on his own.

"Screw you Peter. You bloody coward." And he stormed off.

In the Slytherin dorm Evan, Barty and Regulus were sat together in their dorm. They all had a similar summer.

Evan spoke up,"at least we'll always have each other. Promise? Promise we'll always be there? No matter what happens."

"Promise Ev." Barty didn't look up, Regulus didn't know the full details but they broke up. They said it was for the best, possibly because of their parents.
Regulus understood somehow.

"Promise." His voice was quiet, having not used it much at home.

Had he made a mistake?



As always, thanks for making it this far.
At the moment I have a lot planned, I know it's all a tad sad right now but it'll get better soon.

If you haven't noticed, I love the Black brothers and love writing about them. When I started writing this I was going to focus on just Jegulus but it made sense to me to include their relationship too. I hope you don't mind.

Also, the timeline may not match exactly but this is a marauders era fanfic so what do you expect.
I will say, there might be some big turns that really don't match the actual timeline or canon story but I don't usually finish stories with sad endings.

Thanks for reading! Will update soon ;)

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