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Regulus guided him to a spot near the lake. They'd gone there together before to swim but now it'd be way too cold. Not that that's stopped James in the past..

But now it was different, a blanket was laying on the ground with a journal of a kind. There were flowers and one of James' favourite snacks, strawberries covered in chocolate.

Regulus nudged him forward until they were both sat on the blanket.

"This is incredible, did you set this up?" James asked as he noticed small flower chains hanging from the tree they were sat under.
He was already amazed and Regulus barely did anything.

"Of course I did. But that's not all!" Regulus said, excited to show James what else he had planned. With the help of Pandora of course.

Suddenly Regulus had James' complete attention, something very few could say.

"I was going to give you this some other time, but I figured you could use it now." He said, a bit worried now about actually hanging the journal to James.

"Show me!"

Regulus handed the journal to his boyfriend, flustered. What if he hated it?

He started to open it, the black leather not revealing anything inside.
The journal was filled with pictures of the two of them with little notes and an empty page at the end.

"I was going to just add more pictures but the last page is for our future plans. I thought we could kind of put together a list of goals or things to look forward to. You know, because you're always taking care of others and there's a ton you're trying to do.." Regulus said looking embarrassed.

But James absolutely loved it.

Amazed, he looked at every single picture of them, some were when they first got together and they tried keeping it secret and some were ones taken when they thought no one was looking.

He loved the idea of writing down all the things he planned to do in the future with Regulus. It was so corny and something unexpected from Regulus, James felt himself falling in love just a bit more.

"We don't have to of course."

"What?? No we have to! This is incredible Reggie."
He smiled and pulled Regulus closer.

Together they planned out the type of house they'd one day want to get together. Of course it had to be close to their friends, have a huge garden and big windows.
Regulus agreed to one day marrying James, James agreed straight after graduation.
They agreed they'd want to adopt kids one day. 1 year after they move into their dream home.
James wanted to adopt a snake, Regulus tried to make him agree to a goldfish first. They agreed to get a mini goat.

Though they spoke about their dreams together before, it was nice to talk about things they've never fully thought of before. For James this was now a to-do list, he would do every single thing on there. Even the little things like, go to France together.

"What are your dreams?"

"We just write down a bunch silly." Regulus smiled.

"Come on, what's your dream?"
James took his hand gently.

"To get far away from my mother. To open my own bookshop. To be with you." He replied, trying not to look up at James.

"I'll make sure they happen. But you're already with me, unless you want to change your mind about when we marry?"

"No! You know what I mean Jamie. What if-"

"No what ifs. We're getting you out of there."

"What about you? What are your dreams?"

"To be yours."

They both smiled, happy to be together and for once forgetting all their troubles. The order, their friends, the deatheaters, their parents, none of that mattered in that moment.

They knew they had a long way to go to be able to do the things on their list, but that wouldn't stop them. It was James Potter and Regulus Black, together they could do anything.

I'm sorry about the updates taking a bit and that this one was short, but I have a lot planned and there's a lot more to come! This one is a bit short, but double update!

If anyone was keeping up, the girl that is the literal love of my life has a girlfriend. Well not anymore! So nows my chance. Wish me luck! (If you care about Effie's life. Jkjk)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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