A second chance?

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- Third Persons' POV

For weeks now, Regulus couldn't stop sulking. The short time he had spent with James meant more to him that he ever realised.

But he knew that whatever he had with James was only ever going to be temporary.

Now, he was sitting in his dorm with Pandora by his side. Nobody knew what exactly was wrong with him as he kept refusing to talk about his feelings. His roomates never learnt how to handle such feelings, so they gave him space.

But not Pandora.

She was raised in a loving home surrounded by people who always took care of her and so she could never imagine the people she loved hurting her. She always made it her mission to take care of the slytherin house, knowing that they needed that extra love in their life.

"Reggie, come on, talk to me.."

"It hurts.."

"What does? Talk about it"

Pandora wanted to push him, he needed to let whatever this was out.

Regulus was having a hard time finding his words. He never knew something so minor could have such an effect and he knew he was worrying his friends now too.

"Pandora he let her kiss him. She said that I'm just like my parents and he didn't say anything."

"Oh Regulus.."

"I thought he cared. I really did. I thought it would work out and that I could have a happy life. With him. But I was wrong, I'm never going to be free and I'm never going to be loved."

Regulus started crying, struggling to speak coherently. But Pandora listened patiently.

"I started letting him in..."

"Regulus, it's okay come here"
She whispered whilst pulling him into her arms, just wanting to take the pain away.

"I love you so much Reggie"

Pandora felt helpless, she knew how his family was and she had no clue how she could get him out.

"He's just a dumb boy. And Lily? She knows nothing. But you have me and Barty and Evan and we miss you. We need you Reggie and we're here for you."

They sat there in each other embrace for a while, finally starting to feel calm.

"We should go get some food, come on"

She took Regulus' arm and started guiding him to the kitchens. She knew he struggled with eating and especially now he just needed a safe space.

Barty and Evan saw Regulus coming into the common room and started following them to the kitchens. It was silent but they all understood that this is exactly what they all needed right now.

It was late, past curfew and they were all sat on the food in the kitchens eating sandwiches and fruit, it was peaceful.

"Are you going to be okay?"
Evan asked his friend who was still clinging to Pandora.

"Yeah, I think I am."

And with that they made their way out of the kitchens wnd to their dorms. Pandora parted with them as she still had her own dormmates that were probably starting to worry too.

"Wanna race back??"
Evan said, happy to have his friend back to his semi-happy self.

"We haven't done that in ages."
Barty said with a smile.

What's the harm in it? And so Regulus shrugged with a small grin.

"Okay!! The lines starts here", he said pointing to an invisible line on the floor "and ends in the common room."

"On three"
"One, Two-"

But before Barty could finish counting Evan zoomed off. Barty rolled his eyes, determined to catch up and win.

Regulus wasn't as keen to win, but was highly entertained by watching Barty and Evan race. He knew for a while that there must be something going on there but he wasn't planning on pushing them to tell him.

Now they both got faster and Regulus was far behind. Okay maybe he shouldn't have skipped quidditch practice so often. He planned on walking back when he heard footsteps.

And loud obnoxious voices.

The marauders. Great.

As embarrassing as this was for him, he hid behind a suit of armour and waited for them to pass.

"Did you see Flich anywhere? I heard something."

"You're imaging things Prongs!"


"Let's go this way!"

He heard the footsteps disappear and started making his way back to his common room.

"I knew there was someone hiding."


He turned around and thought that this would show he isn't bothered by James at all.

"I haven't seen you in a while. You haven't even been in the great hall for meals and-"

"I've been busy"

"Let me explain please.."

"What's there to explain? You belong with Lily and I'm a destined deatheater."

"No! Please Reggie.."

Regulus didn't want to care. He wanted to get to his bed and finish his book but something was holding him back from that. He missed James an embarrassing amount.

"Be quick then"
He said with his arms crossed.

"The time I've spent with you has been nothing but amazing and I'm sorry I screwed that up but I care about you so much and I need you Reggie..."

He looked so sincere, Regulus didn't dare look into his eyes.

"Lily is going through a lot, she is having difficulty coming to terms with her sexuality and her sister and severus so I let her walk all over me and I try not to but I feel really bad and I should never had let her say those things and I don't have feelings for her but I want her to be happy and I want you be be mi- happy too and-"



Was he sincere? Should he give him another chance?

James cared about every single person on this planet. Probably in the entire galaxy if there are people out there. And Regulus never thought that that could ever be something negative, but just then he realised James' greatest flaw. It wasn't that he was oblivious at the best of times or how us voice is very loud uncontrollable. It was that he cared too much.

James Potter cares so much about others, that he completely forgets about himself. He let's other people use him however they need because that will make them happy.

Maybe they really did need each other.

"James I don't know where to go from here."

"Give me another chance please.."


"I need you Reggie and I promise I will be better with Lily. I'll do anything."

Is it worth giving him another chance?

He couldn't walk away, he cared too much.

He moved closer to James and slowly took him into his arms. He missed this, he missed James.

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