This feels right

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---James' POV

Last night must have been the best night of my life. Never has anything felt more right. Deep down I know it won't end well, I know about his family but I'm not going to let that stop me.

When I got back, the guys were still asleep. But I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I headed back out with a quaffle. I layed down on the field and threw the ball, catching it before it hit me.
Keeping all this from Sirius felt terrible and I just wanted to forget about that for a moment. He loves his brother but at the same time he doesn't trust him fully either.
Sirius told me about how he sees his brother and mother sit together at the table drinking tea like a happy normal family. It hurts him more than he'll admit but I think there's more to both sides.
All I knew was that I was going to save Regulus from that insurmountable pain I know he's going through but will never let show.

At some point I headed back to my dorm and the guys were still fast asleep.


I jump onto his bed, not wanting to have to spend the morning alone.

"Prongs it's like 5am. Get off"

"We have practice soon anyways."

"It's Saturday, let me sleeeep"

"Come onnn" I say pulling him out of bed by his foot.

I saw Remus waking up now too. He couldn't stop laughing as Sirius was now on the floor.

"You always interrupt my beauty sleep."

"Aw come on Pads"

He rolled his eyes and pulled me onto the floor too.

"You two are worse than a bunch of first years."

"Hey!" We said at the same time.

Sirius and I headed to the pitch for practice and I was already excited. I had a bunch of game plans I wanted to go through and I was determined to get through them all today.

"You take quidditch far too siriusly mate"

"First of all not funny, second of all I can't help it! I want to be the absolute best captain I can be. I'm already the youngest captain, I don't need to be a shit one too"

"You're doing good though! We have two weeks before the match against slytherin."

"Are you gonna be okay with that"

"Prongs we'll just be on the same field, of course I'm fine with that:"

"Whatever you say", I know that he can't concentrate all too well when Regulus is around. Because of that I'm really worried about the match and of course about how he's gonna deal with all his feelings.

But that's a worry for another day as I finally saw the others approaching the field and we could finally get on with practice.

"That was a great practice! Shall we go over the new game plan one more time?"

"NO" Everyone yells whilst Marlene throws her beaters bat at me.

"Alright alright" I said throwing my hands innocently in the air.

I was really proud of this years quidditch team. Marlene and Sirius are our beaters, Mary is our keeper, Alice, me and Franks' younger brother are the chasers and this tiny little second year is our seeker. Frank graduated last school year and gave his title, honour and responsibility of quidditch captain to me, knowing how serious I'd take it. With Remus' help I managed to put this team together and I don't think we could have done any better. But I'm most proud of the little second year, Harold. He's the youngest seeker I know and he's incredible. Everyone doubted his abilities at the start, even Harold himself but I never did. I could see his potential the second he hopped on his broom. And as always I was right.

Since it's Saturday breakfast goes on all the way to 10am which meant I still had time to eat. Covered in sweat and dirt, I ran to the great hall. The rest of the team already went back to bed and most people were in their common rooms or the library.

Just as I was about to enter the great hall I heard someone calling my name.



"You aren't supposed to call me that remember. But I actually came to say I had a lot of fun last night. And I was sort of wondering if maybe you would want to do it again.."

The joy I felt bubbling up inside was indescribable, he came up to me on his own accord saying that he had fun on a date that I had planned for us. And now he was asking me out! If this were anyone else I would have said something dumb and slightly arrogant. But I couldn't, I think I broke my brain or something.

"We don't have to obviously I just-"

"I, well yes of course I want to Reg"

And again I could see a smile appearing on his gorgeous defined face. And I was the reason it was there.

"Great, this plan I'm planning it. Same day, same time."

"I shouldn't be worried right?"

"No of course not you big dope" he said with a chuckle.

"Great!" I said, not being able to resist the urge to hug him.

He looked surprised but still gave in. This is how things should be.

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