Happy Birthday

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Today was one of the most exciting days that James could barely wait for. Regulus' birthday. His boyfriends birthday.

Since seeing Sirius in the dorms he did spend more time there but of course he slept in Regulus' dorm and woke him up at exactly midnight.

"Reggie" he whispered but as this wasn't effective he ended up climbing on top of him and spoke a bit louder whilst gently shaking him.

"James stop! Ouch..I'm awake!"

Okay maybe not so gently..

"POTTER" Barty yelled who was now awake too, sat up looking very upset.

So maybe James was a bit too loud.

"But Reggie...it's your birthday! Oh happy birthday!"
He was just way too excited so of course Regulus didn't mind being awoken too much. It was just his charm. Or more like his smile, his charm could use some work.

"Thanks love, but it's early. Just come here."
Did it feel like lecturing a child? Yes. But it was effective.
And so they cuddled until a more suitable hour.
Evan slept peacefully through it all.

Since the summer holidays were very soon and exams were done with, they didn't have any classes and didn't have to do much. So of course James took this as his chance to accompany his boyfriend to his classes, sitting with him and admiring him.

And Regulus loved it.

James was so excited, dragging Regulus through the great hall and making sure everyone wished Regulus a happy birthday.

And by dinner time they were sat in the slytherins dorm eating there. Barty and Evan were a bit overwhelmed by Potters energy but sucked it up for Regulus.

Remus and Pandora were going to join them later. Remus helped James plan and decorate the slytherin common room where they were to have their small gathering.

"It's present time!"

"Evan let's go. No need for us to see what sappy thing Potter got for poor Regulus." Barty said, grabbing Evans hand and going to the common room already.

And so they were alone. Regulus couldn't help but smile, James kept making this day feel so special, making him feel so special.

James grabbed his hands and looked right at Regulus. All he thought of doing was grabbing James by the tie and-

"Reggie I'm so sorry about everything you're going through. With Sirius and all.. and I just want to make you happy. But I'm terrible at gift-giving and I was so worried about this day going well and-"

Regulus loved the way James always wanted him to be happy, the way he cared. It's something he never experienced properly.
But all he needed was to kiss his boyfriend. And to shut him up.

It was a small, innocent kiss which Regulus would never appreciate with anyone else. But James..

"James you do too much."

"But that's just it. You deserve it! You deserve more. But I did my best."

And with that he let go of Regulus' hands and grabbed a card that was completely hand made. In it was a long poem James wrote for Regulus.


"No that's not all!"
James then pulled out a perfectly wrapped box.

"I hope you like it.."

Regulus opened it carefully in case he added a small prank to it. Luckily there was not.
Inside was a hand knit jumper that had cats with little ties on it. He realized quite quickly that James knitted this himself. And he certainly couldn't knit a few months ago.

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