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Sirius was left alone at the edge of the forbidden forest confused and hurt. And maybe angry.

Was that his brother? Why would he want to be an animagus? And what how the hell did James know to take him to Regulus? It was too suspicious, maybe even obvious but Sirius didn't want to admit it.

Last night he spent time with his brother properly for the first time. They actually did something together and it was nice. But for the first time he was mad at James because deep down he knew why James would have them meet like that..

And he may have been mad at his little brother. It felt like he had everything now, an animagus form, his dumb family dinner and James. He knew he couldn't really be mad at James, he had lied to him too and James has taking care of him since their first year. He needed to do something.

The obvious thing was to confine to Remus, the guy he has been sneaking around with for months now. And that's exactly what made Sirius rethink a lot. If James was hiding a relationship, was he just as bad for lying to him as well?

And that's how he ended up infront of his dorm room at 5 am with a very tired Remus holding his hand.

„Why couldn't I have just stayed in the library?"

„Because we're doing this together duh."

„You aren't going to yell at him at you?"

Remus fell asleep reading in his favorite comfy library spot when Sirius woke him up muttering about some betrayal and making things right and honestly Remus had no clue what was going through his mind. He had a feeling about James and Regulus dating and he knew things between Regulus and Sirius were never easy so it he decided to be as supportive and silent as possible.

„You know what you're gonna say?"

„Hopefully.." and with that Sirius grabbed Remus' hand and opened the door.

„James. I wanted to talk to you abou-"

„PADS. What are you doing here?? I can explain! I-„

"James love stop yelling. Too early" Regulus said before sitting up and dying of embarrassment.

"Dumbasses." Remus said still not wanting to be there.

Regulus finally woke up properly to find his brother staring at him. Whilst he's cuddled up to his brothers best friend. And James looks absolutely terrified.
Sirius looks slightly constipated, but he just assumed that was him being surprised maybe upset. And Remus looked exhausted.

"Remember we said no yelling" Remus whispered to a now slightly enraged, red Sirius.

"I'm trying."

"Sirius I'm so sorry plea-" James got up and was now right in front of Sirius. Regulus felt silly for being upset, but for a moment he thought that James regretted this and was choosing Sirius.

"No let me start. James, Regulus.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Sirius was struggling to find his words, the right words. He looked up at Remus for help and he just squeezed his hand,
"What I think he's trying to say is that he screwed up. And also that we've been dating for a few months now...sorry James for not telling you."

"Yeah, sorry James..but we can get to that. Can I have a moment alone with my brother?"

Everyone was surprised, James didn't know how to process all this so when he looked over at Regulus he just hoped he had the answers. Remus was quite proud, Sirius was taking things better than he thought and so far there was no yelling. And Regulus, he was upset or at least wanted to be.

Remus held the door open and James started to get up. Was this going to fix things between the two brothers?

"So James Potter? That's the guy you've been seeing?"

Regulus didn't know if his brother was mad or not, but he didn't feel like talking to him just yet.

"I'm really sorry little Nova, I know I fucked up..." Sirius sat on James' bed next to his brother, the absolute last place he thought he'd ever find him.

Regulus didn't want to cry, he didn't really want to talk to Sirius either. But deep down he missed his brother. 
"Last night was strange." So he opted to changing the subject.

"It was fun too. Why didn't you tell me about that?"

"Why did you miss our..." But Regulus didn't know what to call it. It hurt that that was the only time they talked and every word to describe it felt wrong.

"Nova I'm sorry about that. I just got jealous.."

"What about that dinner invite? You think I want that? You think I care about that?" It upset him that that was it was all about.

"At least they want to see you, thought you'd like that." Sirius didn't realise what he said until he looked up and saw his little brother even more upset.

"And that's why you ditched me?"


"No. You think I want to see our shitty parents? I wasn't going to go. I thought for once maybe you'd ask me to have Christmas dinner with you. Or breakfast or anything. Then the one time you actually make an effort to see me, you ditch me because you're jealous. That's pathetic Sirius."

And with that Regulus got up and headed to the door.
"And for what it's worth I wanted to be an animagus to be closer to you." He said it quietly but Sirius still heard it.  And he didn't know how to respond.

Regulus opened the door where Remus andJanes were waiting. He rushed past them hoping they didn't see the tear on his face.

"I thought you were planning on apologising?"

"Well that obviously didn't work , did it?"

James was still confused but started running after Regulus. Maybe the black brothers just weren't meant to be close after all.

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