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It was April-time and everyone was starting to prepare for their end of year exams.
Well they were supposed to.

The marauders weren't how they used to be. In their first year they'd pull plenty of pranks and would always be on each others side. But now towards the end of their sixth year, they hardly did anything together.

And with James being all mopey about ignoring Regulus and worrying about his mother and completely overthinking how to talk to Regulus, the marauders wanted to do something fun.

That's exactly why they ended up hiding in a small cleaning closet outside of Dumbledores office.
Remus presented them with a prank idea, Sirius forced them to pick Dumbledore as their victim and Peter somehow found a way to be excluded from it.

With a James in need of cheering up, this seemed like a great idea. Now not so much.
"Have we lost our touch? Have I lost my pranking touch?"

"James don't be silly! We just are just temporarily a little stuck"

"Sirius! Stop stepping on my bloody toe!"
Said a very tired Remus.

"Who even suggested to hid in this stupid closet!"

"You. You did James!"

"Oh...well who's going to find a way out?"

They were planning on making all the paintings be paintings on themselves in Dumbledores office but after hearing someone in the corridor, James pulled the both of them into a closet.
Which locked itself.

"This would have never happened if we didn't leave our wands behind! We could have done the enchantment in the office! I told the both of you this."

"Remus we know! Just think of a way for us to get out. What would the muggles do?"

"Sirius my toe! Move! Well I didn't think this far ahead this time."

James would have found their arguing funny if Sirius' elbow wasn't in his face and they had a way to get out.

"What was that?" He said now suddenly hearing footsteps approaching.

"That was my stomach you idiot. We should have gotten lunch beforehand, I'm starv-"

"No Sirius not that. I think someone's outside the door."

James stared at it in fear. He started to cling onto Sirius' elbow, not knowing what to expect.

"What do you think you're doing? Into my office! Now."
Professor Mcgonnagal said, her voice loud and dripping with disappointment. But the sight of the three marauders was quite funny and Remus could tell she was holding back a laugh, so their punishment might not be so severe.

Once they reached the office, they all sat down with their professor across from them. James was disappointed in himself for such a bad prank but even he had to admit it had been quite fun.

"Would any of you like to explain what you were up to?"

"What no tea this time? No biscuits? Because I could really u-"

She just looked at him sternly and that shut Sirius right up.
And with that look James could hardly lie to her.

"We were trying to prank Dumbledore but got stuck in that closet and we forgot our wands and Sirius had his elbow-"

"I think I heard quite enough already. No detention, but be more careful next time. Remus, I expected better of you."
She had a slight smile on her face, though the marauders didn't know why. Truthfully, she thought Dumbledore deserved a lot worse than a prank but she didn't say that.

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