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"I just don't think it is the perfect timing"
"And how would you know that sir?"Mike asked confused.
Mr Leonardo instantly avoided eye contact with Mike the moment he asked that question.
"Mr Leonardo.Is there something i should know about"
"Nothing much but you will probably not believe me,so never mind"Mr Leonardo said and then began to walk away.
Mike ran after him and stopped him.
"I will not believe what?"Mike asked worriedly.
"See?I haven't said anything but you are already worried,you are technically panicking"Mr Leonardo said as he turned to Mike.
" I am not worried,i am not panicking,why will i panick?"Mike said trying to hide his true thought.
"I foresee things.Do you believe me?"
"Mr Leonardo,are you joking or you are for real?You foresee?Since when?Mr Leonardo,i will prefer you just tell me if something wrong is going on or if something went on when i was not around"Mike enunciate.
"You see,you don't believe me"
"Who would? Sorry,i mean,i believe you but we do have to go today,we might not get a better chance.We have to get them before they can transport the evidence away"
"How sure are you that they haven't moved it somewhere else already?"Mr Leonardo asked him and then walked away slowly.
Mike thought about it again on the spot,he was thinking about it earlier and the thought of it scared him.
"I searched for you hoping for encouragement and to forget my worries but you just reminded me of the worries i was avoiding,ahh"Mike complained annoyed.
"I won't stop you,walk away"Mike shouted at Mr Leonardo as he also walked to another direction stomping his feet.
    After the five hours was over,Mike walked to their rooms and called them all out.
After putting on cloths suitable for the outing,they all headed out and met Frank outside.
"So,we ready?"Frank asked them.
"Yes"They all answered.
"So,this is the plan.I and Frank will head in with the officers i called for help,we will search the place but you guys will stay outside and keep your eyes out incase they are sneaking things out and we don't notice"Mike explained.
"I also called some friends for help,everything should settle soon"Frank said smiling.
"I have a quick question before we go in"Mike said referring to Richard.
"What is it?"
"How sure are you that they didn't move the evidence somewhere else?It has being days,we all know that woman is smart"Mike asked.
"Ohh,they wouldn't move it,trust me on that.Whether or not he is here,the woman probably thinks Richard can never betray her but will bring Angel and Rachael to her.Also,i bet she didn't think we will given get a search warrant"Frank said looking at Richard.
Richard frowned at him in thought and Frank smirked.
"If you say so,let's gather the courage and go in"Mike said as he entered his car.
       Frank and Mike got into Mike's car,the rest got into Frank's van.It was a disguise van,a vegetable van,so people won't be suspicious.
      They all rode to Mrs Leonard's hangout.Mike drove his car to the parking lot and waited for a bit for the policemen and Frank's backup to arrive there.They didn't wait for up to five minutes before they all arrived.
The others packed the van away from sight.Yes,it was a disguise van but they couldn't risk their lives that way.
      Frank and Mike moved in with their backup and requested the presence of their boss.
A minion walked to the upper chamber and informed the boss about the appearance of the cops,Mrs Leonard immediately went down to meet them with a smile.
"Goodday,how can i help you officers?"Mrs Leonard asked with a wide smile.
"We are you for a search"Frank answered.
"Really?Well i don't think you have a warrant.Also,when do you officers intend to stop embarrassing me and my night bar?You have come here for a search a number of times"
"Well,this will probably be the last,so please,sit here"Frank said as he showed her the warrant with him.
"Ooh well,do your job then"Mrs Leonard said without hesitation as she sat on a chair.
"Thank you for your cooperation"Mike said and then some of the officers followed them to search.The rest of them stayed in the drinking section and kept an eye on the people there.
"Boss,that was Frank"One of Mrs Leonard's commander whispered to her.
"Frank?Who's Frank?"She asked.
"One of us working in this base"
"So he is betraying me,i guess everyone can't be like my Richard"Mrs Leonard said frowning.
"There seems to be no one going in or out,how do you think things are inside?"Rachael asked the thin air.
They were all sitting peacefully in the car,looking around,well except for Richard.He was thinking of many things together.
"Richard,what's up?Are you okay?"Rachael asked him lightly.
"I have seen him before the city"Richard said still in thought.
"Who?Frank?"Rachael asked.
"YES"He suddenly shouted.
"Oh no"He said again.
"What happened?"Wale asked about his shout.
"Frank,Frank is in the gang"Richard said as he took his phoned and tried dialing a number.
"Really?How come you just realised?"Angel asked worriedly.
"She has many people under her command,i have seen a lot of them but Frank comes to the bar very often,he is in this base"
"Ahh,why is he not picking up?"He shouted in frustration looking at his phone.
"I only realised it when he smirked"Richard said again.
"If you are calling Mike,his phone is probably in silence"James said.
"I will go to help"Richard said as he got out of the van.
"I will go with you"James said as he rushed after Richard.
"No,you should stay back"Richard said to James as he turned to him.

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