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"YOU"A voice shouted behind Wale pointing at James.
"Who the hell is that?That is ear defeaning"Wale complained angrily as he turned around.
"Oh,you too"The stranger said in shock as he pointed another finger at Wale.
"I don't think i remember this face"Wale said squinting his face at the stranger.
"Well,James should"The stranger said.
"Of course,how would i not remember Frank?"James said frowning.
"I don't recall. James,where do we know him from?"Wale enquired.
"Do you remember when we first met?I was fifteen and you saw some boys beating me up on the streets"James asked Wale.
"Hey you,you beat up my brother right?"Frank asked James as he approached him.
"I don't know,i have beaten up a lot of brothers that deserved it"James answered.
"Its me"A boy answered behind him.
James looked at him and then smirked.
"He is the brother you talked about? Hi,nice to meet you,i have heard a lot about you and that's why your brother is annoyingly proud"James said.
"I heard you learn MMA ,congratulations,i don't care if you beat me up,i don't even care if i die but i just hope one thing,and that is that you are better than your brother"
"I mean,i hope he didn't take after you. Also,you can't beat me all by yourself"
"I know that"Frank said with a smirk.
James looked back and saw five more guys behind him holding sticks.
"I heard you are a tough guy,but guess what,you are dead today"Frank said.
"Whoa,whoa,let's chill out"James said but before he could finish,Frank came at and tried to punch him.
James bent and hit Frank's stomach hard and then went behind him and kicked him on his butt.
"You are still a weak trainee,you all are.Okay,you know what,i will give you the grace to go back,train properly and then come back"James said.
"You are proud"Frank said.
"So is your brother,Frank"
"You will pay for this" Frank said and then the six of them came at him all at once.
The first guy ran towards him and tried to hit his head with the stick. James bent down and hit his stomach. When he bent low in pain,he used his back as support and kicked the next guy in his chest,rolled and hit the third one with his elbow. As he was about to hit the fourth,he got hit at the back of his head with a brick.
He fell down holding the back of his head and then the others began to stomp on him and hit him with sticks.
"Hey,stop that now"Wale shouted at them confidently.
"Who are you?"Frank asked mockingly.
"Guardian angel"Wale answered.
"Get him"Frank said to his minions.
Three of them took their sticks and approached Wale. Wale took another stick and began to swing it aimlessly at them,in the process,one of them hit his stick out of his hand with his own stick and then grabbed his collar and dragged him to where James was still being stomped on and then they both got beaten up.
"Oh,that rings a bell"Wale said.
"I still wonder why your stupid self came when you couldn't even fight"
"I wanted to help"
"But you couldn't,why didn't you just ignore?"
"I wanted to be a good boy"Wale joked.
"We both got beaten up"James laughed.
"Yeah,and see us now"Wale smiled.
"Shut up,both of you. I refuse to help" Frank said.
"Who wanted your help?"Wale asked.
"Then i guess i will take my leave"Frank said.
"Hold on"Mike said to Frank and then turned to Wale and said;
"He can help with your friend"
"Which friend?" Wale asked with his eyes widened.
"How did you know about that?" Angel asked.
"I heard your discussion"Mike said.
"Were you eavesdropping on our discussion?" Wale asked.
"You were saying it in front of me so i don't think that is regarded as eavesdropping"
"When was that?"Angel asked.
"When Wale was apologising" Mike answered.
"What? You heard that?" Wale shrieked.
"Yes,and it was an adorable apology" Mike said showing a bunny smile.
"Don't,don't do that" Wale said frowning.
"Consider this a favour for me,not for them" Mike said to Frank.
"I am sorry bro,but that can't work,but something else can" Frank said.
"What is it?"Rachael asked with her brows squeezed together.
"He will knee"Frank said looking at James.
"Okay,i will do that" James said without hesitation.
"Really?" All of them asked in shock.
"Yeah,in his fucking dreams" James spat and then stood up.
"I knew it,i knew he wouldn't do it" Wale said folding his arms and the others sighed.
"If you kneel,i will" James said looking at Wale.
"What?" Wale asked in shock.
"Kneel" Wale said with a smug.
"Okay fine" Wale said.
"Thank goodness" Angel sighed in relief.
"In his fucking dreams" Wale repeated James words as he also stood up.
"What is wrong with you guys?"Angel asked frustrated.
"What? I should kneel to him? No,thanks to him,that day i was scolded for fighting cause my face and arms were swollen" Wale complained.
"So what about Andrew?"Rachael asked with her arms crossed.
"Another help will come for him" Wale answered.
"When will that be?" Angel asked.
"I don't know,soon" Wale said.
"James,please just do it" Angel pleaded with James.
"Okay,fine,i will do it for you" James said and Wale's eyes darted to him.
"No,i will do it for you" Wale said and then went down on his knees in front of Frank.
"Please,help our friend" Wale pleaded.
"Okay fine,i will help" Frank said with his head held up.
    Wale stood up and then noticed James' smug look.
"Couldn't you tell he intentionally did that?"

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