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"Which trap?"Angel asked curiously.
"I have one in mind,come with me"James said and they all went back to the reception.They booked another room and move there without informing Michael.
James went to the enormous room and linked the phone there with the phone in the other room.He then tied a cloth to the door knob and tied it to the window seal,he placed a glass on the cloth and then shut the door gently before locking it.He went back to the room and explained the process to them,telling them that they mustn't go to that room for anything.
At night,when they were all asleep,Mrs Leonard's new men went in search of Richard and the rest.As for the former men,they all disappeared after helping Richard.They didn't want to die but they also didn't want Richard dead.
The men were directed towards room 21,which Michael had booked for them. They picked the lock and opened the door quickly,hoping that wouldn't have chance to escape.In the process of opening the door quickly,the glass fell off the cloth and broke on the beautifully designed tiles,making a loud noise.
They heard in the other room due to the phone they interconnected and they all stood up and flew out through the window towards the unknown destination.
In room 21;
"They are not here,FIND THEM"The commander shouted at them.
They all panicked and began to check around,room by room to confirm their absence. After checking as many rooms as they could,they agreed to the fact that they had eloped.
" They escaped "The commander said with his hands on his waist.
" Yes sir. They tricked us.
"We will get them,but for now,let's go" The commander said.
"Boss,we should just rest here,it is getting late" A surbodinate said.
"Will you pay for it?" The boss asked but the guy couldn't respond. The commander slapped his head and said;
"Shut your mouth and go home"
"Yes sir" He responded as he bowed his head. They all went homehome,hoping to catch them soon.
"Where do we go now?" Rachael asked sleepily.
"Do you think that was also Michael?" James said.
"No,i don't think so" Angel said.
"Let's go to another hotel,am very sleepy"
Rachael said.
"We don't have cash for that" Wale said.
"Let's stay here for the night" James said as he sat down behind a tall tree.
"Here,oh no,it is not safe here,i can't sleep here,i will die of the cold,please let's leave here it freaks me out" Rachael said and that was when she noticed everyone was already asleep resting on trees.
"I can't stay here" Rachael said as she began to walk back to the hotel.
"Boss,before you go"
"What's it?"
"I would like to stay,just in case they come back here"
"You are free to do what you want. Just make sure you inform me if you see them"
"Yes boss"
The rest of them went back to their homes while he stayed in the hotel room just in case they came back.
"I am so sleepy" Rachael said yawning.
"I can't stay alone there. What was i thinking?" Rachael said as she turned around but then she suddenly stopped.
"I am already far away from the mountain but i am close to the hotel. Let me just go and sleep there peacefully" She said as she turned again to continue her walk towards the hotel.
*WRAO*A strange sound was heard.
"AH" Rachael screamed as she climbed the tree closest to her. She was so scared to go back down,she just continued to watch from a branch of the tree.
In the morning,James woke up early and woke the rest up.
"Where is Rachael?" He asked Angel.
"I don't know" Angel said.
"Richard,did you see her?" Wale asked him.
"No,but i know she was complaining non stop yesternight" Richard answered.
"Maybe she left" Wale said.
"To go where? We should go back to the hotel,to check if she's there" Angel said hurriedly.
"Yeah let's go" James said as he began to walk back towards the hotel.
In front of the hotel,they were all looking at it like it was a death trap.
"I can't believe we are back to where we ran away from" Wale said shaking his head.
"We have no choice. Let's go in" Angel said as she went in first.
They got to the second room and opened it silently. After unlocking it,they opened the door a little and peeped in but they saw no one. They all entered and looked around.
"Where could she be?" Angel soliloquized and then heard Richard laugh.
"What's funny?" Angel asked but Richard didn't stop laughing,instead,he pointed outside.
They all looked at what he was pointing at and they saw Rachael asleep on top of a tree with a bird staring blankly at her.
They all burst into laughing as they went out of the room and went to the back of the hotel.
"RACHAEL" Angel shouted her name from below the tree.
"Hmm" Rachael stretched as she woke up. When she opened her eyes,she was greeted by the face of a bird in front of her.
"Ah" She screamed as she fell off the tree trying to avoid the bird.
"Uhh,my butt aches" Rachael said as she rubbed her butt.
"Why did you fall? You spent the whole night with it and now you are avoiding it"Richard joked.
" Well,i didn't wish to spend my night with it"
"What were you doing on the tree?" Angel asked.
"I heard something and i freaked out" Rachael said as she stood up.
"Okay,let's leave this place" James said as he began to walk back to the mountain.
"GUYS" Rachael shouted. They all turned around and saw a guy holding her with his gun pointed at her head.

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